As long as the soap is still usable, you can't count it as a disaster LOL!
Just wait till you get the most beautiful swirl EVER, and whilst you are doing your clean up you find the fo/eo that you measured out for this batch, but promptly left out of the soap. then you have to mix the fo/eo in and your soap looks like poo instead of beautiful soap Yep, been there done that. At least the soap is still usable. One time I had a soap rice and separate a few minutes after I added the fo, and it leaked out of the mold onto the counter and from there down the front of my kitchen cabinets onto the floor. That was a disaster. I wore all of my PPE (personal protection equipment), and still somehow ended up with some minor burns from the raw soap.
As long as the soap is still usable, you can't count it as a disaster LOL!
Just wait till you get the most beautiful swirl EVER, and whilst you are doing your clean up you find the fo/eo that you measured out for this batch, but promptly left out of the soap. then you have to mix the fo/eo in and your soap looks like poo instead of beautiful soap Yep, been there done that. At least the soap is still usable. One time I had a soap rice and separate a few minutes after I added the fo, and it leaked out of the mold onto the counter and from there down the front of my kitchen cabinets onto the floor. That was a disaster. I wore all of my PPE (personal protection equipment), and still somehow ended up with some minor burns from the raw soap.