Phillysoaps, did it help you a lot? were you able to get started successfully and survive on a basic income?
Soap_for_breakfast said:Thank you for your advice on the subject of selling. Isn't it always a little bit of a contraversial subject when it happens? lol.
I wonder if AshleyR is reading this thread? I say that because I know she's completing the SEB program in Canada and starting a B&B business (saw her youtube vid). I'm actually thinking of applying for the same thing in about 6months or so. It's not called SEB in the UK, it's something else but basically it's a government run scheme which enables people who have been out of work for more than 3 months to start their own business, helps them get started etc.
So that's where I'm at. I just figured I now have 6 months of CP soap making behind me....wow time flies :shock:
Is there anyone else on this forum who has completed/is completeing a SEB type of placement?
Soap_for_breakfast said:Phillysoaps, did it help you a lot? were you able to get started successfully and survive on a basic income?
phillysoaps said:Soap_for_breakfast said:Phillysoaps, did it help you a lot? were you able to get started successfully and survive on a basic income?
That program was my start, it gave you the freedom to begin to make money on your own without the risk of defrauding the government. It took the pressure off so, you did not have to use your time for job search and as a group everyone was supportive. I believe we did about 10 classes on entrepuenuership, with speakers.
So here I ma 10 years later and still in business.
heyjude said:I hope that while we may disagree on some things that our common infatuation with soap will bring us together rather than divide us. And the personal attacks will stop. Kumba ya.
Peace out,
heyjude said:Gee.. I hadn't seen the last few pages of this post till now and I'm a bit shocked. :shock:
There IS a lot of good advice in this thread and I really appreciate that. In fact, I should show it to my husband who thinks that just because I have made a few successful soap batches and people are offering to buy it, I should be selling it.
But I know better and that is because of all the sound advice I have read over the last several months. Maybe years down the line, but certainly not now. But that is what's right for me and everyone's situation is different.
With that said, I want to close by saying that imho Kitn is one of the most welcoming and encouraging members in this forum. Her positive outlook and friendly comments make me want to visit Canada and visit for a cup of joe!
And I am so envious of Carebear's soaping knowledge! With her years of soaping and business experience, she is such a great resource for this forum. I would love to think that one day I could possess a pinky full of what she knows. (I also would love to see pics of your soap!! )
I hope that while we may disagree on some things that our common infatuation with soap will bring us together rather than divide us. And the personal attacks will stop. Kumba ya.
Peace out,