Finally! Sodium Gluconate at an affordable price!

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Dec 10, 2019
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The cost of Sodium Gluconate has gone up way too much. The muddysoap company has it now for a VERY affordable price.
That’s great - I bought 25 pounds a while ago from for $80 - it’s now WSP and $84 but still a good deal. Weirdly, their 5 pound bag is more than the ten pound bag at Muddy. 🤷🏻‍♀️


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That’s great - I bought 25 pounds a while ago from for $80 - it’s now WSP and $84 but still a good deal. Weirdly, their 5 pound bag is more than the ten pound bag at Muddy. 🤷🏻‍♀️
I just bought the 10lb bag from muddy and even with shipping it is only $5.20 a pound which is about what I used to pay. I have no idea what has driven the cost so high.

I'm just thankful to Muddy! They have great prices on some other things as well.
edit: I am currently using EDTA, but I like SG because testing indicates it's as good as EDTA for chelating, but doesn't have the environemtal problems EDTA has.

My understanding is SG degrades fairly quickly in the presence of bacteria, fungi and other microorgainsms. But in an abiotic environment (few or no living organisms), however, it's pretty stable. I'd expect it to be fairly stable in soap.
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When calculating the amount of SG to use, is it a percentage of the oil weight or the batch weight? Thanks in advance.
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...I tried to search your wonderful website for it but couldn't see how....

Erm. Yes, I understand your frustration.

I don't make the link to my "Soapy Stuff" articles real prominent, because this is hosted on my business website rather than on its own domain. I'm sure you're not the first person nor the last, however, to cuss me out for that. :)