Far out Brussel sprout....

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Galavanting Gifts

Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2009
Reaction score
Here I am thinking i've almost got my gm soap together ready for the next local show and my friend rings me and says her sil wants 20 bars, so she comes over a couple of days later, I hand over the 20 bars, then she decided SHE wanted some AND her daughter wanted some too :D , I recently got given a huge bakery curing rack so I was proud to show her (it also had curing soaps on it) well she didn't stop there lol she brought some more that were packaged and ready for sale, the only reason she stopped buying was because she ran out of money hehe.

She then rings me and informs me that her sil and friends loved the soaps that much that she has put in an order for 40+ bars :shock:
so here I am thinking "Oh far out brussel sprout, I gotta get my tooshy moving" I'm very happy about the orders but i've been under so much stress lately i've barely been able to comprehend what i'm suppose to be doing. Thankfully DD was here to help me put my website together because I didn't even have the capacity to look where to click next button.
I'm curious how you do it when family/friends are interested in your soaps.... How much/do you charge them? Full price? Discount?

I always feel bad charging people that I know, but then... where do you draw the line? Once I've met someone on a personal level I feel obligated AND it costs me money to make it.... (sigh)
Congrats on your orders!! :)

Be sure to share some pictures!!

kittywings said:
I'm curious how you do it when family/friends are interested in your soaps.... How much/do you charge them? Full price? Discount?

I always feel bad charging people that I know, but then... where do you draw the line? Once I've met someone on a personal level I feel obligated AND it costs me money to make it.... (sigh)

o.k. i'm going to try completing this post without visitors interupting lol.
Sometimes if I have excess or bars not up to my standard then I will give them to my family, they like them but enjoy ordering gift baskets (the other half of my business) more for their friends etc.
I love to talk about my soaps to everyone and for some reason Goats Milk soap catches their attention very quickly which then draws them into trying my other varieties.
One friend in particular loves the soap on her skin (especially the GM) her SIL got wind of this (whom is quite well off) and decided to try it which then prompted her to mention it to HER friends.
My friend originally had a large family gathering so she asked me to bring my soaps over, we took over 5-6 baskets fully loaded and came back with only a handfull left which got things rolling for me.

I think the biggest secret for me though was LOVE, yep, seriously, when I make my soap I must love what I do, I find by doing that it encourages me to put my all and all into the design and preparations, but I also love to have my customers enjoy what they use, their enjoyment is more important to me than how much money can be made. It doesn't sound very prosperous I know but when the customers understand how important it is to you that you care more about them than you do the money something special takes place and my customers just keep wanting more.
I think because soapmaking isn't as big here in Aussie as in the States it can have its advantages that there isn't so much competition although saying that, some people can be harder to break out of the mentality and security of their old ways of using comercial soaps etc.
That's why for me its so important that the friendship and kindness be shown first as my priority before my soaps/Gift Basket income, that follows later.
As for the feeling of obligation, yes, sometimes I feel uncomfortable about selling to friends and family but they have no problem with paying, actually they feel good about paying because 1. they don't feel they owe me anything and 2. they understand my time and money goes into what I do. If I can't afford to purchase my ingredients then I can't afford to provide them with something they enjoy.

o.k., i'm rambling now hehe, thanks everyone for your encouragement, I love to be with people that understand and get excited over the things I enjoy lol.