Exfoliant add ins

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Oat flour. Everything else is just too scratchy for my customers and me. In my men's fragranced soap I use oats I grind in my coffee grinder, but in the women's I use oat flour because it is ground finer.
I find almost everything scratchy with no exfoliating qualities. Oat flour or oatmeal baby cereal isn't scratchy but again, it doesn't exfoliate.
The only thing I found that does exfoliate and isn't scratchy is super fine pumice.
Coffee grounds! They and poppyseed are the most exfoliating and the messiest! (oh wait, you asked for mild....)
My favourite is a soap with finely ground oatmeal and ground hops, but I don't know which (both) is the exfoliant.
Just got out of the shower after testing a coffee ground soap...glad I didn’t make too much because it is SCRATCHY. Good for a heel scrub maybe or a booty scrub, but not for general exfoliation imo. I don’t have sensitive skin and I am an avid user of Korean Italy towels (not for the faint of heart) but the coffee was too scratchy and also left traces behind after using it as a booty scrub (and by that I mean...crack action. Yowwwchh).
Activated charcoal, when it's not super fine. Just the right amount of scratchy for me n mine...

Basil seeds also, and chia seeds.

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