In June a friend and I took a walk in the woods near my house. We saw a fallen birch tree and were lucky to collect large slabs of bark from it for craft projects. That walk was the inspiration for Birchwood Forest soap.
This picture below provided guidance for the design colors, all micas from Nurture.

1. Tree embeds: Winter White, Black Pearl and Magic Mushroom
2. Foreground shrubs: (swirled for illusion of texture) Alpine Green, Enchantment and Shamrock Gold EnviroGlitter
3. Near Background shrubs: (swirled for illusion of texture) Red Vibrance, Trial By Fire and Gold EnviroGlitter
4. Sky and tree leaves: Blue Vibrance and Green Vibrance
I started by making “birch bark” in a silicone TS mold by layering white batter with very thin, irregular drizzles of black and brown. I cut slabs using my new Hercules cutter, which allowed me to create 1/4 inch, 3/8 inch, and 1/2 inch slabs to represent tree trunks. I ended up with six slabs, but only used 4 in the design.
For the green layer and the red layer of shrubs, I swirled the batter so those layers would have texture. I added the Enviroglitters to emulate sunshine dancing on leaves. I tilted the the mold for the green layer and waited for it to get thick, then I tipped them all the other direction and poured the red layer and waited for it to get thick. Next, while the layers were still barely thickened, I inserted slabs for the birch tree trunks. I tilted them a little bit to make them look more natural. I poured blue at very thin trace, and then dropped very thin trace green from a height so it would penetrate the blue.
Soap was CPOPed in the oven with just the appliance light on. The next day, I removed the uneven top of the final soap to create rectangular bars.
In the interest of full disclosure, I originally tried to make the Birchwood Forest design with Cracklin Birch FO. Unfortunately, CB FO caused
instant Soap-on-a-Stick. I didn’t have a chance to blend a single color into it. I did manage to pour it off into a small mold, so now I have some sample bars of crackling birch with no color and no design. I ended up making unscented soap for the final design, so now my mother can use it. Without FO, the soap behaved beautifully!