ENTRY THREAD Feb 2024 SMF Challenge: Latte Art Designs (Pretty Soap Tops) ☕️

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Nov 15, 2018
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The Entry Thread for the Feb 2024 SMF Challenge is now open! 🤩

Please post entries only; any comments should be posted over on the Challenge Thread.

Your entry photo should be the first item in your Entry thread post, and must show the top face (not the typical cut side face) of least one soap bar. If you post more than one bar for your entry, all bars must use the same design and colors in your best attempt to make them all the same. We encourage (but do not require) you to include in your entry post a description and additional photos demonstrating how you made your soap: the process, the technique, the fragrance, any special meaning behind your selected colors or design, etc. This gives voters a better understanding of, and appreciation for, what went into creating your soap.

The entry thread will close on February 26 at 11:59 PM GMT. Good luck, everyone - I can't wait to see your creations!
Here is my entry. I was hoping all the rainbow colors would show on the face, but you know…. soap. 😉
After each color, I also did a short pour of black. Besides Trial by Fire red, all the other colors are MM neons. I used WSP Volcano for the FO, so they smell extra yummy. My top design was done with a small squeeze bottle and had no FO added. I used a skewer to pull the hearts through.
Oh boy, I did not read the directions carefully as I made lots of different designs. 😄 Anywho here’s one. I watched lots of latte creation vids and then quickly realized those techniques were not going to work with my soap batter. I made this soap with coffee infused sunflower oil and used coffee for the water. It is fragranced with espresso from WSP. No additional colorants.
What a fun challenge! Thanks @AliOop for hosting. I might just make more of these.
I really wanted mine to look like a latte 20240225_101427.jpg
and was hoping I could get it to flow like the real ones do. It didn't flow, but it was most likely me and the angle of the pouring.

I lined an old tea cup with Glad press n seal. The press n seal was stuck to the tea cup and took a bit to pull out the soap and pressN seal. 20240225_153305.jpg Using Nurture Soap's Copper Penny mica and just a touch of brown oxide for the hopefully coffee color and TD for the foam. The white was poured from small flexible container so I had a little more control making dots, big and small. I used a metal tool for clay that is about the size of a toothpick but with a handle. Dipped it into the brown to add brown marks for the facial features. I messed the face up the first time, but was able to lift it off and start over.
I tried twice in the tea cups and this seal(kinda looks like a bear) came out the best and was the first try. I tried to do pansy flowers in oval cavity molds too, they aren't horrible, but the first try is definitely the best.
The Entry Thread is now closed! The voting link and password will be emailed shortly via PM, so watch your "Conversation" Inbox.

Also, remember that as long as you signed up, you can and should vote, even if you didn't submit an entry. Not voting makes everyone wait longer for results. Y'all know how impatient we soapers are! ;)

Good luck, everyone!