Grumpy, ebru is the art of paper marbling. Liquid is dropped onto a liquid base, a skewer is used to design patterns (peacock for example) or objects (flowers for example). A paper is gently laid on top the liquid and the pattern transfers to the page. Well soaping is the same. But soap and no paper hehe.
Not ally, that's very nice of you to say. I have something more intricate in mind, but I fear my idea is bigger than my ability.
I wrote Amy, and received a clear response. A copy and paste...
My question
Comment: I have a question about the base pour. Are we allowed to pour the base of the soap into the mold in a creative different way, so long as the only tool used is a chopstick, and as long as the top design predominantly seen in the soap is ebru styled (proven with our inspiration photo), or does the base pour beneath the ebru designed tops need ebru influence as well?
The ebru background typically has many dots swirled with a chopstick or left alone, and sometimes it has peacock swirls and swirls of similar design. Then the ebru drawing is on top of that. Do we need the entire soap as ebru (base and all) or could we say spin swirl or drop swirl the base which technically isn't ebru influenced? This is per rule #2...Thx Amy!!!!
Great question! I think as long as the chopstick is the only tool used and the top design is ebru style, that would fit the perimeters of the guidelines.
Amy Warden