Easy was to save money- add yours

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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2006
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Bring your own cup:

If you purchase coffe on the go (read gas station) you can save .50cents or more daily by bringing your own cup.

.50cents X 5 days a week = $2.50 x 50 weeks in a year (cause you will forget some days)= $125.00 per year plus you kept all of those cups out of the land fills
Order water:

If a family of 4 eats out 2x weekly & everyone orders water (which we all need more of anyway) you can save $800.00 a year.

$2.00 x 4 people =$8.00 x 2times a week = $16.00 x 50 weeks a year = $800.00.
Bottle your own water:

Instead of buying a bottle of water (or 2 or 3) each day, save an empty bottle & refill it regularly from the tap w/ a filter or from a 5 gallon jug.

Savings over 1 year for 1 perosn at 1 bottle per day : approx $450.00
Buy in bulk:

EX) We were buying 5# of dry cat food for $5.00, per week. The 20# bag is just $14.00. That saves us $6.00 per month x 12 months a year = $60.
sometimes I order food from the children's menu, if they'll let me. The portions are smaller and I don't like to waste food or money.
I save money by making my girlfriend come with me to grocery shop... she stands by the cart and puts all the stuff back on the shelf that I pull off (except that which she deems necessary)

... I cook everything... has saved me a looooooooooooooooooooot of money over the years, instead of eating out all the time...

. Another cool way Ive been thinking about it renting space in someones yard to grow veggies...
no instant buying. you need umbrella? check auction sites first! :D
also, i don't buy anything that doesn't seem to be of great quality. i had many umbrellas, but one that was bought at solid price, is of great quality, and is very beautiful is not going to be forgotten in cafe, or at friends place, like many, many other before... :lol:

same goes for clothes. i go through whole wardrobe at least every three months, and put aside things i don't really wear (or for some reason don't like so much anymore). for every thing i decide what to do with it; give it to sister, friend, mom, sell... . great thing to do is to organize a clothes swap party with your friends, after cleaning your wardrobe, and before going to the shopping.

food. the less processed food you buy the more you save, and better food you get. avoid buying ready made cookies, juices, microwave lunches etc. when you make your cookies or juice you can make them to your taste, and healthier. imagine all the preservatives they have to put in those things, also how many nutritional ingredients disappeared, by the time you eat or drink them.

try writing down all your expenses through at least one month, and i'm sure you're going to figure out what has to be changed, because there's no unique recipe. something that could be good advice to me, could be completely useless to you. ;)
I have saved tons by bartering.
From a farmer, I trade soap, homemade spicy mustard, salves, etc... in return I get fresh veggies and herbs, in the winter I get veggies that she has canned.
From a different farmer I trade castille soap for eggs.
From a Dr who loves all things natural - I bring him all sorts of different things; soap, any medicines that I have made (with supporting research for him to read), the overflow of veggies and eggs, baked goods etc... in return I get a discount that can used for any member of my immediate family.
From a hypnotherapist I trade sessions for my husband and I for Reiki treatments.
To a local stylist I give her a facial and she does my hair, same with a massage therapist.
For years I traded massages for my sons karate lessons
Yesterday I spoke with an artist who agreed to do a painting (a Christmas present for my husband that would have cost around $500) in exchange I am making her a healing chest with an inscription wood burned in it, in ancient Scandanavian runes, it will be filled with different healing items. And I have to allow the painting to be displayed in her next exhibit.
Couples Night Out - I'll babysit your kids this weekend if you'll keep mine next weekend. Although my kids are teenagers now that was one of my favorites. Same for pet sitting while on vacation.
It's been my experience that as long as you're fair many small business owners are open to bartering.