Ryan Delayes
New Member
I’m an aspiring soapmaker and I’ve been scouring the internet for soapmaking kits of ANY kind (beginner or otherwise), and it seems like every single supplier of soapmaking kits is on the west coast. Because of this, shipping is $15+ on top of a kit that already costs around $50, and I can’t pay that much. Does anyone have any suggestions for kits from east coast suppliers (or shopping lists from east coast suppliers that would add up to around the same cost as a kit)?
I’m an aspiring soapmaker and I’ve been scouring the internet for soapmaking kits of ANY kind (beginner or otherwise), and it seems like every single supplier of soapmaking kits is on the west coast. Because of this, shipping is $15+ on top of a kit that already costs around $50, and I can’t pay that much. Does anyone have any suggestions for kits from east coast suppliers (or shopping lists from east coast suppliers that would add up to around the same cost as a kit)?