Drying soap??

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Jan 14, 2011
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I have been making soap for a while in very small batches, but I am trying to make larger quantities now and I don't have very good drying ideas. Please give me suggestions on how to dry soap in big quantities.
There are many many threads and sites that talk about soap storage. Most people have a rack of some sort in a place with good circulation, that's dry and out of direct sunlight. Some people have posted pictures. Do a search on storage and you'll find lots of threads, I'm sure.

Also, if you think your soap might be going rancid after a month (your other thread), you should figure out what's going on before you make large batches. Most people recommend starting with 2 pound batches until you work out your kinks. I don't know what you mean by large and small yet, until we see your recipe.

Also, all the moderators recommend you visit


when starting as it has loads of information on soaping. Good Luck!
I was reading some stuff on the internet and one lady said that she let them dry in those plastic dresser drawers (like you get from Wal-Mart) lined with towels and they got pretty good air, but I am not too sure about that. Do you think that is okay? I am kinda limited on space and I have three young kids that it has to be a little out of the way. My batches were like 5 lbs, but some of them turned out great, but they were stored on a shelve, but this shelve is not big enough for a couple of different batches and I had to store them on some homemade racks I made that sit very close to the ground. I am wanting to give them away as gifts and such for people to try.
I suppose the dresser drawers might work if they were open to the air on top. I wouldn't use them if they were the 3 or 5 drawer stacks that you open and close. They need to have good air circulation until they've cured a while. And people have soap curing all over the place. Wait until tomorrow- lots of people are on the forum on weekends, it seems, and I'm sure people will post where they put theirs. It's a creative bunch on this forum!
I scrounge around the thrift stores and find cake racks and vegetable trolleys on wheels and things like that to air soap on. They need good air circulation for a few weeks and then you can think about moving them somewhere else.
I use corrugated cardboard boxes from Costco - the kind that are used for bottled water or soda pop. They measure about 2 feet by 1.5 feet and are anywhere from two to four inches high. I flip the cut soap periodically and after a week or two, I move them to baseball card boxes which are the perfect size for storing standard sized bars. BCW is the brand, I think. You can get them in various lengths.
I've been using water bottle "boxes", probably similar to what judymoody uses. Long and wide and 1-2" high.
I use plastic bread trays that they bring the bread in at the grocery store. But on the grounds that I might incriminate myself I'm not going to tell you where I got them. :wink:

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