Dos from FO's

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Jul 23, 2024
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Has anyone gotten DOS (minimal) that has to be from a fragrance oil? This has happened several times with a couple of FO's from Brambleberry. It's the only explanation as all my oils were fresh and I maded different fragrances from the same batch and it only happened to the BB ones. Also I re-ordered the FO's again and it still happened! (Mostly I love their stuff however)
Interesting. Would you mind naming some of the BB FOs you used? I use quite a few from BB and have never had this issue, even with some that are over 3 yrs old.

And are you sure its DOS and not just some discoloring from not thoroughly mixing in the oils, etc? Not wanting to doubt you, and FOs certainly can cause DOS, I just find it surprising coming from BB.
The biggest culprit was Champagne, also Tobacco and Bay Leaf and Lavender FO. Even tho the spots weren't horrible the champagne got that "box of crayons" smell. It surprised me too because it was 2 years in a row and I had ordered new stuff each time. I don't think it would have been a mixing issue?
Wondering if these FO's have a common denominator ingredient or it's just me!! Or can we still blame covid?!?
Thanks for replying!
That is so weird. I use Champagne in one of my regular, "always stocked" soaps and I've never had that issue. The one time I did get DOS, I was using a BB FO, and it very well may have been Tobacco & Bay Leaf, but it was also the one time tested using rice bran oil, which came from a marginally questionable source in the summer, and I was playing around with super high superfat.

I'd frankly reach out to BB customer service and see what they say.