I agree, shelters for abused women are so important. I got an address for a shelter nearby from one of the food bank workers (these safe houses are usually top secret for safety reasons). I have dropped by make up and hair dye (that seems to be the most requested items). Anything that will make a woman feel better about herself is so important for these women...never thought about soap...hmmmOur food bank is always grateful to get soaps to add in the bags. We have also supplied shelters for Abused Women, they mentioned to us that many times these women leave with the clothes on their and their children's back. I make up hot processed soaps with fo's that just will not soap nice but smell nice to send out to them. I really get irritated with sending out to Clean the World and the price of shipping, I would rather keep the donations to my own community. I also like to keep a few unloved soapies and had them out to the homeless
BTW, I follow passionforsavings.com, they will show you deals in various pharmacies and stores and combine with coupons to get you free or nearly free stuff, make up is usually a regular freebie, so I get them each week and when I have a bag saved up I drop it off..
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