What soapy thing have you done today?

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So when are you opening your own mica shop? Lol..
Your lucky you have so many sources to source from! By the way I like your shelfs! I have a large cabinet from ceiling to floor and I'm working on making a list to remember which shelf has what item. Yours looks more organized and assemble!
I'm assuming you didn't actually mean to quote me. I've not used mica yet, just natural colorants and oil infusions.
@Susan Cote I need to have almost everything to be in sight because otherwise I end up tearing through cabinets and boxes looking for what I want. And then, just possibly, I don’t put everything back neatly…

@ackosel You can mix oxides and ultramarines on anything you have that has a smooth surface. A flat plate would work but you don’t want to use a plate that you use for food. A piece of hardish plastic should work, e.g. from a plastic milk carton or a flexible cutting board.
Yes, that is what happens exactly!
I’m in the midst of spring cleaning my soap room, which is a big job because I’m not a neat person by nature. The most successful effort so far involved simple 90 deg rotations of the bins that contain my colorants. Freeing up the counter and wall space was the hardest part. Can you tell that I’ve been trying to pare down the number of mica colors I keep in stock 🤣.

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I love the color cubbies, @Mobjack Bay 🥰
I bought a sample pack of colorants a while back that I thought were micas, but they came labeled as oxides. I have a pallet knife, but no piece of glass to mix them on. Do you think I could use a corelleware dinner plate instead?
Also, can oxides be mixed the day before, or are they best mixed right before using?
I had the same problem, no glass. One mica I have likes to clump and I wanted you to use it so I used the bottom of a glass storage container. It worked great, yes, I think any glass dish that is fairly flat will work.

ETA: good point @Mobjack Bay about not using something that will be used for food.
What soapy thing have I done today --- am I doing today? Happily stirring batter for a smallish batch. Want to test my latest acquisition, a silicon mould with six stone cavities.
My broken left hand is healing well so that I started with minor chores in the garden. It still aches and I can not yet drive the car 😢
What soapy thing have I done today --- am I doing today? Happily stirring batter for a smallish batch. Want to test my latest acquisition, a silicon mould with six stone cavities.
My broken left hand is healing well so that I started with minor chores in the garden. It still aches and I can not yet drive the car 😢
I'm sorry your hand is still aching. It can be so hard to have to give up something you love, even if it is temporary. Glad that batch of soap is in progress for you! Today was my last chance to make a SMF challenge fruit soap before our baby is born next week, but my body said no way!🙃

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