Does the urge to peek ever go away?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010
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US Southwest
I've only made eight batches of soap thus far and I'm finding it really hard not to peek when the soap is going through gel. It's also really hard to wait until I can cut and pick it up and admire it (or perhaps to reassure myself that it really did come out alright). Will this pass with experience? I've got a batch gelling right now!
nope, it didn't go away for me. I've been making soap for about 13 years and I still peak. I don't sell though, but those that do this for a living may have gotten over it. :lol:
I am so glad that I'm not the only one! My curiosity gets the best of me! I'm trying my best to practice patience :)
I have saved a few batches before by peeking (overheating usually!). So I usually do peek!
Why not peek, hell I LOOK. I check at 30 minutes to make sure that gel is underway and add a blanket or two is necessary. I check again after a few hours and make sure that gels reached the edges.
It's part of the fun!!!
I honestly can't imagine soaping without peeking, lol ... :lol:
I peek, touch, poke, stroke, sniff, stare ... (I even talk to my soap babies sometimes but don't tell anyone or they'll think I am mad :roll: )
mariflo said:
It's part of the fun!!!
I honestly can't imagine soaping without peeking, lol ... :lol:
I peek, touch, poke, stroke, sniff, stare ... (I even talk to my soap babies sometimes but don't tell anyone or they'll think I am mad :roll: )

LOLz! I do the same thing! Sometimes (most of the time) I even pled with my soap! "Please, Please, Please work the way I want you to. Please come out right... "
Peeking isn't a problem for me... but wanting to take it's temperature is :D Luckily I got a no-touch thermometer so I don't have to poke a hole in the loaf anymore :lol:

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