Do you have experience with "Young Living" brand of EO?

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What I find interesting is I know of one respected supplier who sells specific varietals of a given EO. For example, I can purchase a sampler of 12 different varieties of lavender EO from this company.

From what I recall, Young Living and DoTerra only sell one type of lavender EO, which argues against their claims of being the best of the best.

Knowing the pitches I've heard, they would argue that the one variety they sell is the one that is the best one, so they would never sell you one of those lesser varieties. Better! Stronger! Purer!
Knowing the pitches I've heard, they would argue that the one variety they sell is the one that is the best one, so they would never sell you one of those lesser varieties. Better! Stronger! Purer!
We can rebuild him. We have the technology. Steve Austin, a man barely alive…
I am not impressed with Young Living or their consultants. When I first started selling my soaps, I was visited by three consultants at a market. They introduced themselves and then one asked me "how many drops do you use in a batch of soap". I gave them the amount in grams and that was the end of the conversation. There is a warning letter to Young Living and some of their consultants dated in 2022 on the internet. Everyone should read it. I carry a copy when I am at markets.
I have a friend who swears by their EOs. She has a 15x15" case of those little bottles and swears they will cure anything! She and my son suffer from nose bleeds, so she suggested my son do what she does, put some fir tree EO on a Qtip and stick it up his nose to "cauterize" the vessel to stop the bleeding. I keep my mouth shut. I have known her for 60 years and you can't tell her anything! Her granddaughter thinks it's funny to take a bottle of EO and run it under the dog's nose and then the dog starts yelping and running around the house like an idiot. I kept quiet about it when the brat did it, but I chewed out my friend for allowing it to happen. Hopefully, she said something to her daughter! I can't change her but hopefully, my tirade made an impression!
Wow! I had no idea of all this. I can't even keep up with the thread I started! LOL.
A DoTerra brainwashed friend of mine gave me a tiny 10-ml roll-on bottle of their lavender “essential oil blend.” She sells it for $35.00 and I saw it on Amazon for $28.00. The first ingredient listed is cocos nucifera, not lavender, so I’m not sure what they mean by pure. Pure as in good manufacturing practices? Pure as in sterile contents? Pure as in intentions? Anyway, it’s not pure lavender because it’s diluted with fractionated coconut oil which is why it can be applied to the skin.