Wow! Those are beautiful. Very creative technique. I wonder how she made the fish. That's what I want to do with bears, moose, and such, only I think that if I tried to do a log with it looking like an animal on both ends and all the way through, it would look distorted in the center of the log. What I had in mind is much simpler than the video (although I want to do that!!!

. I made some basic soap with a heart tube mold from amazon. I think it's about 12" long. Then after I removed the heart log, I used it as an embed in my loaf mold --- poured most of the soap, set the heart log in place, then finished pouring. When I cut the bars, there was a little heart in each. Really simple and not creative, but just made it as a quick and easy gift for a few people on Valentine's Day. I wanted to do something similar with wild animals that would appeal to hunters, but I'm not sure how to make the bears. That's why I thought of using the silicone candy mold I have with moose and bears. I've used it for soap embeds, but instead of soap, I was thinking of trying plaster of paris to pour into the molds for the moose and bears. Then, when it hardens, stick them together (some sort of glue?), and then make a silicone tube mold. I've seen tutorials on YouTube for similar things. Most are for solid objects, but I think it would work for this. I'm just not sure if the plaster of paris wold hold its shape with the wet silicone poured around it. Might be able to coat it in something. I found a company, I'll give them a call next week and see what they think might work. If I were a better carver, I'd have this done!