difference bw 5% and 10% shea butter

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Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2010
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can anyone really tell a difference b/w these 2? i swear i cant tell a difference b/w these 2 or just a plain oo, po, co recipe. ive got bunches of test bars out there and the feed back is inconclusive. ive got the same recipe bars out there w/ 10% shea and high conditioning numbers that have the same feedback as bars that have 5% or none w/ the same recipe.. same discounts.


i was really expecting to feel a creaminess w/ 10% but i think that what i feel is no creaminess and less bubbles. maybe im focused on bubbles.
Sometimes it's hard to tell the differences between recipes. It takes experience and then sometimes you still can't tell! :shock:
I personally feel the difference in my recipes over time. I mean, after I've showered with a certain soap for a while (say 1-2 months), then I can really tell how it feels and how it leaves my skin.Soaps that at first I thought were awful turned out to be great for the skin, and very lovely soaps turned out to be too drying or too greasy after using them for a while.

I suppose that unless you have A LOT of experience, you probably just need to try out the different recipes for a while before noticing any difference.
I cannot believe no one yet answered that the difference between 5% and 10% is... 5%!

This said, I use butters at 25% most often.
carebear said:
I cannot believe no one yet answered that the difference between 5% and 10% is... 5%!

This said, I use butters at 25% most often.

LOL Carebear. :lol:

I can't feel the difference between 5 & 10% either, so I use 5%. :wink: