Design Techniques Spreadsheet

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Dec 25, 2012
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Southwestern USA
I started compiling a list of design techniques and was surprised to identify over 60 pretty quickly. I want to share it like we do with fragrance reviews, so people can add more designs and tips on achieving these artistic endeavors. I put in columns I thought might be useful and posted it to google docs with one row somewhat completed. I say somewhat, because I would encourage adding to even those cells that someone else has already populated, as long as it represents a new idea.

Take a look, and post here suggestions for improvement (e.g., adding columns or tabs, changing headers, etc). When the format seems fairly stable I'll open it for edits so collectively we can add more techniques and populate the cells. I would do that now but it might get a little funky while we're still changing it around.

Here's the link - bookmark it and share your ideas for more utility.
What a great idea. I noticed that confetti soap, which is popular with many it seems, and tiger stripe (and modified or tilted tiger) are absent from the list. Or is that just another name for zebra stripe?
How could I forget confetti of all things! And those beautiful piped soaps. Aye yi yi! I was actually going to let people add their own ideas for additional designs so I'll leave those for you to add. I'll open it up for edits before next weekend.

What about additional columns or tabs? Right now tops are mixed in but should we give them their own tab? It does seem like they are different. I currently have a tutorial column, but should we also have a thumbnail pic of a good example? And what about design versus technique? That's blurrier to me because sometimes they're the same. But sometimes they're different so I could go either way.
Thanks! This is awesome to see and have. Never heard of "Burl" technique though
So when our head start spinning and come out of nothing, this is THE PLACE to go!!!

That's one reason I did it cherrycoke, when I was stumped what to do. The other is because I've heard several people say "there's only so much you can do with soap design". I'm not that creative but I think there's more than we give credit to.

How about faux swirl in cavity molds?
Another good one! It will be super important to get cavity molds represented, since many will overlook them. Please add this when I open the spreadsheet to editing.

Thanks! This is awesome to see and have. Never heard of "Burl" technique though

Check this out Omneya, from our own newbie
What a brilliant idea - its so easy to get stuck using the same techniques and to think there is no where to go so it will be great to have a list of ideas and stuff in one place.

I just saw thus one for the first time. "Wind blown" and "fluid painting" techniques:

I've been following her for a while. She seem to have some art roots like Clyde of Vibrant soap. ;)

This is cool grandma of Black cat Blues' soapy friend on YouTube. She went quite some miles for this cool soap.

Soap clay. And some I can't remember from the top of my head.

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I unlocked the spreadsheet for editing and added another tab for tops. Please add techniques and other info that you've had success with. Don't worry if you can't complete a whole row -- just add what you know and others can augment. I imagine it will take quite some time to fill in the blanks, and some cells will probably never be populated.

I haven't added the new techniques mentioned here but will down the road if no one follows up.
CaraBou, I think this is just an insanely fabulous idea, and appreciate your taking the time to corral the information. I've tried many techniques once or twice only, so don't feel I can contribute all that much in terms of useful advice (it's always a surprise and bit of a wonder if/how something worked), but will be keenly watching the developments on the spreadsheet.
I unlocked the spreadsheet for editing and added another tab for tops. Please add techniques and other info that you've had success with. Don't worry if you can't complete a whole row -- just add what you know and others can augment. I imagine it will take quite some time to fill in the blanks, and some cells will probably never be populated.

I haven't added the new techniques mentioned here but will down the road if no one follows up.

CaraBou, I tried to add a couple of techniques, and did. But when I tried to add a second tutorial link to the Clyde Slide, it went into the technique above - the butterfly swirl, no hanger. So I tried to change that to a link for butterfly swirl, no hanger and it went into butterfly swirl. Sorry, I'm not so good at this, and I don't know how to fix it :oops: I'm going on vacation tomorrow and will be gone for a couple of weeks, so I'll be keeping my little dibbles fingers out of it.
Thanks for giving it a spin dibbles,and for letting me know your troubles. I've not worked with google spreadsheets much let alone created & shared one, so I'm not surprised of glitches. I'll see if I can figure it out after I get back from traveling. In the mean time, it would be great to know if others have tried editing and any problems or successes they encountered.

Have fun in Hawaii dibbles -- it sounds like so much fun!
Geez CaraBou, you're brilliant! I really love this idea. I find myself at the FO spreadsheet often when I'm thinking of trying a new one so this fits perfectly. When I'm in a hurry or having a creativity brain fart, this will be such a helpful resource. Now I have to think of a way I can help add info.....

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