Great lab report, Newbie! Thanks for sharing! I am utterly surprised by how fast this soap loses its zap. Not sayin' it's super mild just yet, but it's way less "hot" than I would have guessed before we all made this recipe.
OMG! Are there Cliff Notes available for this thread?
What happened with the lye heavy castile? How does it feel? Is it worth trying?
MzMolly ... you are SO funny ... make me giggle with your comments
To ALL the other hero's and heroines .... I joined your excellent thread last night and spend the whole of Saturday night reading it! Well done to you all ... you were all amazing, and scientific and persistent and all in the name of soap !!!
I even popped back tonight to see how you were all getting on
sending ya much love
"...To be fair to Teresa..."
Point taken, AnnaMarie. Thanks for the clarification!
Okay, last night I tipped the olive/soy loaf on its side and peeled the bottom away so that it could air dry some, and then I sliced it today. Forgot to take pics before I sliced off the first bar, so the first three pictures are after I sliced it off. Last one are of the first six slices, which was half of the loaf. You can see the amber area on the bottom, that's the area with the amber liquid, though it's firmed up some.
Stat refresher--it's a 57/43 mix olive oil/soybean oil, 1kg oils, and I added 2/3 cup milk powder (enough for 2 cups milk), and blue and green micas for colors. The micas are known color-morphers, but they're supposed to stay within their respective blue and green ranges (blue is supposed to become light blue and the green is supposed to become lime green).
My poor brand-new slicing board ended up stained from whatever that amber stuff is.Sadness.
dang! if only we're closer i can do -30 and you can do -35 and swap results..
Picked up two jugs of OO at Costco yesterday. I want to play too! Probably will have to wait a couple of weeks though. Pesky work getting in the way ;-)