Damn near soap on a stick....More like Yogurt.

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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2014
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So you remember that cheap yogurt you could get at walmart growing up that came in a big white container with fruit painted on the side? Thats what half my lavender soap I just made came out the consistancy of, the other half was perfectly fine!

I added purple mica to the oils, and the FO to the oils before adding it to the lye/oils mixture. The one that I put in the matte white oils came out fine. The purple not only turned a ugly cheap-yogurt-blueberry color but it QUICKLY started to become yogurt consistancy.

So, I poured the one, and glopped the other in the mold. Ill post pics tomarrow or the day after so we can see how it came out.
I hope everything works out. Hey maybe you'll have a wonderful soap and it will be as total shock how beautiful it turned out!! (Stranger things have happened!)

As for Walmart yogurt....Walmart did not exist in New England when I was growing up, so nope, can't remember it!
Lots of florals move fast. I have learned with some scents to add at the very last just before I pour into my mold.

Don't panic about the weird color just yet. By tomorrow the lavender may be normal and much prettier. I always get a yucky grayish blue color when I use lavender. But after it saponifies overnight it turns back into a pretty lavender color. I use a lavender mica with a bit of TD.
I cut it today and its still ugly color, its a little soft still ill post pictures tomarrow. :)
So it wasn't the fo coz you put it to the oils before the lye mixture, right?

Where did you get the purple mica from? Very rarely did a colorant gives me trouble, other than td.

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Colorant from WSP, and I added the ..*think* I had mixxed the color with some oils, then added some of the incorperated lye/oils to the colored oils + FO.

So cup 1 was: Color + Oil + FO. That got added to Oils + Lye

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