CP-MP funnel swirl

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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2009
Reaction score
Southeast Wisconsin
Has anyone tried a CP-MP funnel swirl. I want to try this, but wondered if it has already been done and what the results were. I know that when putting pieces of glycerin soap into a CP batch, they have to have alcohol sprayed on them to get adherence to the batter. But, if the glycerin is liquid, what would the problem be?

Just checking it out. Probably trying a small batch tomorrow.
i did a mix of HP and MP that came out cool. i ruined a mold though when the hot MP melted down and through my lining paper.
I fear my little log mold may have met its demise due to the glycerin as well. Was yours a wooden mold. Mine is.....maybe WAS.
no, mine was cardboard thank goodness. i can replace it for a dollar. other than the mold issues, how did your batch turn out?
Clear MP soap poured into a pan in a thin layer and cut - while still soft it's rolled up. Then probablyMP soap is poured over it.

You can make your own (kinda) clear soap but it's very time consuming, expensive and a PITA/ I won't do it again.

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