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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2009
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I stay in a small city and it is extremely hard to find lye, I found it at an older hardware store but I want to know if this will work for CP because there is nothing listed on the container and that may be because the front says Pure Lye (it's by CornStar). It is in a green and white bottle. It says it is industrial strength, on the back it just tells how to unclog a drain. Do I have the right product here? I remember devil lye when I was a kid but I can't find that anywhere. Can someone tell me a website to get some affordable lye (and oils like coconut and palm oil) at because this lye was $17 for one pound. I am also curious---- i have red pam oil will that work? Will it affect the look of the soap?
Holy Guacamole! I thought I had it bad at $15.99/20 oz. in Manhattan!!!

Wow, where are you? There are a bunch of different places online, depending where you are some are going to be much cheaper than others. You can also contact local chemical supply houses, janitorial supply places, swimming pool stores and even breweries (they clean their fermentation tanks with it :shock: ).

Good luck! Let us know what you find!
If it says pure lye, and it's bright white crystals, then it's pure lye. If there is anything other than white crystals inside, then it's not pure.
Red Devil is no longer pure lye. Roebic used to be as well, Lowes sold it for $9 for a 2 pound container. Lowes only recently discontinued it so you might be able to find some still on the shelf.

Utah BioDiesel Supply sells 50 pounds of lye for $130 shipped...

This is the stuff I've been using for both my BioDiesel and soap.
Thanks to all that responded to CORRECT LYE, I stay in Tuscaloosa, Alabama so I guess I will try Lowes and Home Depot and then online because that hardware store was too expensive. I am jut starting so I don't want to buy too much. Thanks guys.
Imblebee said "You can also contact local chemical supply houses, janitorial supply places, swimming pool stores and even breweries (they clean their fermentation tanks with it :shock: ).

I found it in 50 pound bags at a local chemical supply house. That is a really economical way to buy it. The bags are protected from moisture, but as soon as you open it, it will start to absorb water from the air, and you will end up with a 50-pound lump!

If you are going to purchase a bag, you need to plan on a moisture-proof way to store it. Those 5-gallon plastic buckets are pretty easy to come by. No fun removing the lid, though. :(