In case anyone is interested, if you test positive but are NOT in respiratory distress, stay home and IHRT:
Treat it like you would a cold.
Treat it like you would a cold.
Jersey girl, the best vaccine is the one you can get! And since you are concerned about passing this to your mother, and rightfully so, here is an article that may ease your mind.
As an aside, I feel better this morning. I got my second shot of Pfizer vaccine on Monday morning, felt fine all day Monday, but began feeling bad on Tuesday evening, which was a surprise. I had flu-like symptoms of aches and pains all over, being very low energy, and lots of GI symptoms, which have all improved, but the GI symptoms seem to be hanging on. I still feel lucky to have received the vaccine, and the side effects that I have had are much better than getting Covid. So there's that. I wish you could talk your mother into getting the shot. She is someone who would certainly benefit from having it, and the side effects in people her age seem to be greatly reduced since the elderly have a less robust immune system reaction. I am 70 (so elderly!), so I was a bit surprised at my side effects. I thought they would be less than they were. My 74 y.o. husband only had a sore arm. Good luck! I hope you don't have any side effects and a great experience.
I’ve had both doses of the vaccine and I would suggest taking Tylenol at least 2 hours before getting the injection just to help with the sore in the arm and in case he spikes a little fever afterwards. I did fine with my first dose, but spiked fever of 101* and a very sore arm about 15 hours after the 2nd injection. Thank goodness it only lasted a day and then I was fine. i took the Moderna son found out today that he is getting the Pfizer vaccination tomorrow. For those who have already been vaccinated, should he take tylenol or advil or anything prior to the shot or wait until after to see if he has any sort of reaction?
My son was supposed to get the second dose yesterday, but it was cancelled as they seem to be increasing the time between 1st and 2nd doses now so that more people can have a first. No clue when his appointment will be rescheduled but I have read of many others in the same situation as you, having no real problem with the first dose but reacting more to the second one. He knows to expect that he might not get away as easily with the second injection as he did the first.I’ve had both doses of the vaccine and I would suggest taking Tylenol at least 2 hours before getting the injection just to help with the sore in the arm and in case he spikes a little fever afterwards. I did fine with my first dose, but spiked fever of 101* and a very sore arm about 15 hours after the 2nd injection. Thank goodness it only lasted a day and then I was fine. i took the Moderna Vaccine.
I’ve had both doses of the vaccine and I would suggest taking Tylenol at least 2 hours before getting the injection just to help with the sore in the arm and in case he spikes a little fever afterwards. I did fine with my first dose, but spiked fever of 101* and a very sore arm about 15 hours after the 2nd injection. Thank goodness it only lasted a day and then I was fine. i took the Moderna Vaccine.
Of course, we're all interestedIn case anyone is interested, if you test positive but are NOT in respiratory distress, stay home and IHRT:
Treat it like you would a cold.
He came back to work tonight. Me and my partner were sitting in the department eating ice cream and he walked in early because he went up to see his wife prior to his shift and they wouldn't let him in..badge or no badge.That is so sad. It’s heartening that you are so kind. I certainly don’t understand how he could come to work with a positive test, symptoms or not. Isn’t that how this is being spread? And that’s why we still wear a mask even though we are vaccinated. SMH. I’m sending positive thoughts your way.
He came back to work tonight. Me and my partner were sitting in the department eating ice cream and he walked in early because he went up to see his wife prior to his shift and they wouldn't let him in..badge or no badge.
So here we were with no masks on eating ice cream, and he walks in 45 min early LOL. He had a mask on, but it was still like OMG HE IS COVID lol.
And I felt so bad. He just looks lost. I asked if he has eaten (casually putting my mask on), he said no. And I had no cake or cookies for him, which I usually do. All I had was a nutrigrain bar and he at least took that.
They are very old fashioned...he worked and she cooked and such. Spanish couple. I guess it is cultural I dunno. Or just their age.
After a short conversation, I am finally like ... you don't mind if I go right?
And I love that guy. I just don't love all his covidness lol. And it's not his fault. HR (who has no clue) told him to come back. They only tested positive on Thursday. I told him the other day to tell them that he has symptoms and I will work most if not all of his shifts so he doesn't feel like he is screwing the department, but he doesn't want to lie. This is a guy that hasn't called out in 30 years. We are a 6-person department. I would rather be exhausted from working too much, than for all of us to be sick. And even with a mask he is touching all the computers and talking on the phone etc.
And now I am sitting home letting my inner hypochondriac kick in LOL.
edit....And our HR and employee health department...we cannot even go into their office since covid started. You talk to them through the newly installed microphone outside the door. They are so petrified of anybody clinical, it's ridiculous. But it is ok for a clinical coworker to come back to work positive. Our area is literally the size of a medium sized bathroom. So we are really close together all the time. One girl went to get some medical records and she had to slide the forms under the door and was told to come back...then they slid her requested documents back under the door. Plus they stopped TB testing us because "it is not necessary at our facility". This has been a yearly test for the 25 years that I have been a tech...suddenly we don't need to be tested anymore.
I sat at my computer early this morning and was shocked that I was able to score an appt for the J&J vaccine at a CVS. It’s next to impossible to get an appt here in NJ but I kept at it refreshing and refreshing and I guess having fast fingers. I’m very nervous about getting it but I’ve decided I’m more anxious about getting the illness. I really wanted a two shot vaccines but you take what you can get here. But I’m concerned with the less efficacy of this vaccine that I can still get a mild case and pass it to my 83 yr old mother who refuses to get vaccinated. Ugh!
I thought you were vaccinated?
Yeah, well so was he and his wifeI thought you were vaccinated?
Yeah, well so was he and his wife![]()
Congratulations! My disabled son (my eldest) really wants the Janssen vaccine because he really hates the whole process of a injections and would really like to not have to go back for the booster. It's totally understandable and having spent so much time in hospitals with him over the years (multiple hospitalizations, surgeries and uncountable numbers of injections), he really doesn't enjoy anything medical related.
The Janssen (by Johnson & Johnson) vaccine has very good results, particularly for preventing severe disease and hospitalizations and death. I would fully support my son getting that one if it were available here.
But I spent days and countless hours trying to find an open appointment for him to get it and finally scheduled him for the Moderna as the closest location for Janssen was 345 miles away. For a round trip, that would cost him about $100.00 in gasoline plus an overnight stay in a hotel somewhere along the way! And he can't manage a long drive like that due to his disability and his other medical issues.
So he gets his first Moderna dose on Friday and he's over-the-moon about that.
Hubby & I get our second Moderna doses tomorrow.
Vaccination does not mean everyone who is vaccinated will never contract or spread the virus or contract newer variants that have arisen and/or may arise in the future. The clinical trials show that some vaccinated individuals, do both those things, although to a lesser degree. So far, the approved vaccines do remain extremely protective, but remember, this is a rolling target, and new variants keep popping up, so we must continue to protect ourselves and everyone else by maintaining protective infection-prevention measures (masks, shields, distancing, hygiene, etc.)
PLEASE don't think once you are vaccinated you can safely stop the important infection prevention measures that have been working so well to reduce deaths and infection. They are still needed a while longer.
But we are exposed all the time. Dont let that change your mind. Get the vaccineThat’s disturbing to hear. How long ago did she get vaccinated? Everything I read says that these vaccines are supposed to protect you from severe disease at the very least. J & J a bit less effective but that’s only been given for a couple weeks at most so I’m assuming they got the two shot vacc. There is that 5% I guess. Yikes...kind of makes me not want to bother getting one!![]()
It has been a very daunting time for everyone.I understand all that but it’s a bit disturbing hearing how someone who was fully vaccinated contracted it and is severely ill. I’ve had so much anxiety over this past year. As someone who normally struggles with anxiety and depression this year has had a pretty devastating impact on me. I rarely go anywhere anymore or interact with anyone in person. I was starting to have some hope, but I can’t imagine another year of living like this let alone longer...
I hope that makes sense and comes across as an encouragement to those of you who are truly suffering. Anxiety is a horrible affliction, and if there is any way that we can support one another through this, let's do that.![]()