Contact Lenses Hand Soap

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Feb 1, 2023
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Hi everyone!

I have a new project I was hoping for your advice on.

My partner just got reusable contacts, so having read all the warning labels on the package, he’s hyper aware of the need for good hand hygiene before inserting them in his eyes. I figured this is a perfect opportunity to develop a good special purpose soap!

The internet doesn’t seem to have strong opinions on the type of soap; some suggestions are for anti-bacterial soap, others insist on avoiding lanolin and any fragrances, but generally the theme seems to be that there should be no residue left of any kind.

So I figured I should make as plain a soap as possible, maybe with low superfat and using oils with few “unsaponifiables”. He’ll only use it twice a day, so it doesn’t have to be super gentle, but at the same time it shouldn’t dry out his skin completely like a 100% coconut oil soap might.

It would be nice to include things that are “antibacterial”, so I thought maybe tea-tree oil, but then you have to make sure to wash the soap off completely because that’s also not great for your eyes…

Maybe salt could help?

I’d love to hear any and all thoughts!
No tea tree oil!!! Any residue would burn the eyes. I’ve used a facial astringent with tea tree oil and the fumes made me tear up. Plain old soap and water will work. Just don’t use any fragrance or essential oil with a low IFRA number. Low usage rates below 5% indicate the fragrance my be irritating. Hope this helps!
No fragrance. Eyedrops aren't scented for a reason. And you/he don't want to introduce anything extraneous into the eye.

I had a burn on my cornea once from grocery store shampoo getting in my eyes. Not fun.
I've been wearing contact lenses since I was a tyke (I'm seriously majorly nearsighted, think coke bottle glasses; my eyes are so bad that lasik is ruled out). The consistent message I've gotten from many eyewear professionals is to use bar soap and not liquid soap. I wash my hands with my own homemade bar soap with no issues at all. I scent my soaps with essential oils and colorants and have never had issues.
And all soap is anti-bacterial, even the ones that are not marketed as such.
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I've been wearing contact lenses since I was a tyke (I'm seriously majorly nearsighted, think coke bottle glasses; my eyes are so bad that lasik is ruled out). The consistent message I've gotten from many eyewear professionals is to use bar soap and not liquid soap. I wash my hands with my own homemade bar soap with no issues at all. I scent my soaps with essential oils and colorants and have never had issues.
And all soap is anti-bacterial, even the ones that are not marketed as such.
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Contact wearer here, too. I have re-usables, as well, and used my soap with no issues. Just rinse really well, and more importantly - dry hands with a CLEAN towel!
And all soap is anti-bacterial, even the ones that are not marketed as such.
the theme seems to be that there should be no residue left of any kind.
I should make as plain a soap as possible, maybe with low superfat and using oils with few “unsaponifiables”.
at the same time it shouldn’t dry out his skin
I thought maybe tea-tree oil,
Maybe salt could help?
All tha above can be accomplished with ZNSC, 85% Olive or Almond Oil; 10% Coconut, 5% Castor. I start washing my face AM and PM at the 2-week cure mark. Cold cream lather that rinses clean and not drying at all.

Be sure to follow directions as written. The reason this batch took so long to trace is because she soaped cool instead of 100° - 120°F.
I feel like I'm missing something here.

I think I would just continue making him whatever his favorite soap is and encourage him to rinse well.
He’s very sensitive to anything that remains after cleaning, and generally prefers the harsher soaps that strip every molecule of oil. He didn’t feel confident using my normal soaps for this because he said they left too much residue (no one else has complained about that, so I don’t think my soaps are unusual!)

Other than that, I was mainly interested if anyone had formulated a dedicated soap for this purpose 🤷‍♀️ always looking for an excuse to try something new!

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