Well, that seemed easy after my normal hoop-te-da with 5-6 oil, swirled bar soap. But of course, I'm only half done.
I may not have blended long enough last night. I had a hard time remembering the consistency of Elmer's paste, but I sure knew wallpaper paste when I saw it, and I stopped shortly after that. It was pretty gloppy and gel-like. Eleven hours later, my paste is firm enough to hold a SS spoon upright, but not so hard that the paste must be split or broke when poking down. Too soft? It actually did zap after Susie's 20 minute benchmark, but not when I checked next in another couple hours. This morning it is almost tasteless, hardly worth rinsing my mouth afterward. I suppose the lack of fragrance adds culinary appeal
I made a really small batch, smaller than any of my bar batches, just 227 g (8 oz) of oils. Error would be amplified, for sure. But I took the chance because hey, I was experimenting, and I'm not exactly trying for enough to replace my automatic dishwasher

Think it will still harden up? Or is WYSWYG? If it stays this consistency, am I stuck with a thin, watery dishsoap?
Next question: Is there a minimum recommended time for diluting to the final product? Susie implied clarity may be an issue, and I'd like to see this as soon as possible so I know what the standard is.
Thanks all for your help along the way.