Coffe soap question

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Active Member
Aug 6, 2012
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Southern Illinois
I know coffee is more acidic than water, so if you substitute strong coffee in your lye solution, do you need to add and more lye?
I use super strong coffee in my coffee soap, and I've never adjusted my lye amount for it. I always just use the same amount of lye that I would if I were using plain water. (Same goes for teas, milks, or juices :) )
Alright, I'm aware this is a very silly question, but please bear with me. I don't drink coffee, I never have, nor have I ever brewed it. If one where to make a coffee soap, how would one brew a strong pot of coffee? Is it just more grounds or is it something else? Also, what oils go well with coffee soap? Or just an additive to whatever oils you are using already. (Like olive with a bit of coconut.)
Cally said:
Alright, I'm aware this is a very silly question, but please bear with me. I don't drink coffee, I never have, nor have I ever brewed it. If one where to make a coffee soap, how would one brew a strong pot of coffee? Is it just more grounds or is it something else? Also, what oils go well with coffee soap? Or just an additive to whatever oils you are using already. (Like olive with a bit of coconut.)

Cally, you either use more coffee or less water. If you were going to just use it for soap I would use less water because you won't need a whole pot of coffee. And you can put the grounds in your soap as well if you want an abrasive soap like for dirty hands... I am not with my recipes right now but I don't think the oil choice matters that much so yes "whatever oils you are using already". Try it !!!
Ive been thinking about making a coffee soap. Can you use coffee infused oil? And could I use the coffee oil & coffee or would that be too much coffee? I just found a recipe today for a massage bar that uses coffee infused oil. Because coffee oil is so expensive, it included a real easy 2nd recipe for making your own & I have some infusing now. I'd love to be able to use it in a matching soap.
I put coffee grounds in the batch of soap I made the other day. It was my very first batch of soap and I am not sure how it turned out. I have to leave it up in Ohio before I could pull it out of the mold and cut it.

Here's a kicker of a ?; why oh why would a person want coffee soap? IOW, what are the bennies, blah, blah, blah? I've kinda always wondered figured now would be a good time to ask.
I make it because its something different and family/friends who like exfoliating soaps like the grounds added. One friend though finds that she can't use it, she gets hives. She can use the same soap made without coffee and not have any problems, so we know it's the coffee. I put a coffee scent in it, making it a coffee wake-up in the shower before I have my first morning cup.
Lyric said:
Here's a kicker of a ?; why oh why would a person want coffee soap? IOW, what are the bennies, blah, blah, blah? I've kinda always wondered figured now would be a good time to ask.

It helps to neutrilize odors on your hands from preparing foods such as onions, garlic or fish, especially if you use triple strength coffee as your liquid.

IrishLass :)
So I did end up making my coffe soap last weekend, and everything went perfectly, however, I wasnt thrilled with the scent. It just smelled like chocolate dirt... I didnt use any EOs, just the brewed coffe and a hanfull of used grounds from the espresso machine at work. I kinda wish I made a double batch of the black tea and lemongrass instead of the coffee :( it does have a nice little scrubby texture to it with the grounds though.
Whenever I make coffe soap, the smell (or stench, really) is abominable. It makes my whole house smell like really bad doggy breath. :lol: The good news is that it eventually cures out. Just give it time.

IrishLass :)
Pepsi Girl said:
ucmj22 said:
I kinda wish I made a double batch of the black tea and lemongrass

Yum that sounds wonderful,I love my coffee soap, but tea and lemongrass!!! :mrgreen: Guess I better get out to my soap making room! Thanks for the idea :D

just in case your new to using tea in your soaps...I'll "forwarn" you...there will be a foul ordor (as with coffee) but it will also cure out.
Thanks all. Goofy here has the nerve to like the onion smell the next day after hands have been scrubbed with "regular" soap, LOL. Sounds like something good to have in the arsenal should a friend ask for it though. 8)

I'm going to check out the links above though. Knowledge is power and all.

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