I made some soap that I'd like to clean up so it's pretty like I've seen so many others do. Does anyone have a good website or link they can give about ways to clean up your soaps to make them pretty? Thanks!
I don't have a link but to clean up bars you can use a potato peeler on all edges then dip them in water. If you want a glossy look on them spray them with alcohol after the water dip.
I use a potato peeler to bevel my soaps. All other minor flaws stay as is. I figure it's handmade and doesn't need to be perfect in every way. Besides that, I make too much soap to polish every bar. Beveling is therapeutic to me as is wrapping. It's certainly a personal choice.
You can also use a steamer if you get ashy tops. I just dip mine quickly in distilled water, then place on a paper towel (ones without a weave pattern). Oh..and wear gloves. Otherwise you'll get fingerprints. Something ironic about giving soap a bath, right?