Chunk soaps

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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2009
Reaction score
Canberra, Australia
With some of my 'trimmings' from earlier batches I decided to make one of those soap bars with the chunks in them.

Well, it was largely successful, and looked fantastic in the mould, and yet when I came to cut it up, some of the chunks came out in some bars. In other bars it wasn't a problem.

My question is - should i have sprayed the chunks with alcohol before pouring over the new CP soap?

I am also concerned that through the curing process, the chunks might loosen.

Has anyone experienced this?

Thanks in advance!
I just experienced this recently myself with a batch of coconut scented soap that I added chunked-up almond scented soap to, and it's very odd because I've made lots of soap batches using chunks before without a single case of fall-out like this. I'm still scratching my head over it. The only culprit I can put my finger on is that maybe the chunks were too big, since they did happen to be larger chunks than what I had used in my previously successful soap chunk batches. Hopefully others will chime in with their experiences.

This is something I'm very interested in. To me, embedding CP soap with chunks of other CP soap is as attractive (if not more) than swirling. So I definitely want to learn from other's experiences. I've tried it once and didn't have any trouble but my chunks were only a week old.

So, for those of you who've tried it and had the chunks fall out....can you tell me how far along in the curing process they were before using them? I've heard if they're hard it will make cutting a problem. But was also wondering if it would cause the problem you've had.

Could you not stir the chunks into the CP soap at a med trace? Would that be enough to suspend them and then put into the mold?

I have used smaller and bigger chunks - neither came out - did not spray them with alcolhol.

I read somewhere that warming them a little before use (say 15 min in the oven at max 70 *C) - would help them get incorporated in the new batch.
I could go along with this statement, as cool chunks might prevent or slow down the gelling process in the vicinity of the (bigger) chunks.

Anyone else has an opinion on this method?

this is my experience-i make a full batch (70 oz) of soap (no water discount) room temp, then i have a bunch of small containers and make 7-9 different colored soaps.

after about 24 hrs or at the firmness of cheddar cheese,i pop them out of the molds, place in zip lock and store in fridge.

when i want a color i can coarse grate, peel on chunk the colors i need.

i think the trick to the whole thing is using fresh soap instead of cured.

also if you dont gel with this method, the colors blend a little with the new soap, so fine pieces kinda dissappear.

my favorite is either a vegetable peeler or a coarse grater.
I've made several batches of chunked soap. I love it.

My soap chunks have all been fully cured before using in a new batch. I did not plan it that way, but by the time I get around to doing the batch with the chunks in it it has been at least 4+ weeks. I don't think the age of the soap matters.

What I do is have my base color at a thin trace and then just pour a little in my mold for the bottom layer and then I just drop in my chunked pieces alternating with the liquid soap until I fill up the mold. No alcohol needed.

I have not had whole pieces fall out, but sometimes parts of the chunks would break off when I was beveling the edges. It was usually very minimal.

I have not had any color mixing either that I can recall.


Sorry for the bad photos.
Val said:
Could you not stir the chunks into the CP soap at a med trace? Would that be enough to suspend them and then put into the mold?


That's what I always do and they have always come out great (except for the last batch I did, that is :? ).

I've used cured chunks as well as fresh chunks without ever having a problem. MP chunks, too. Have never used alcohol with the chunks or heating in the oven first, although I do make sure all my soaps gel.

The only chunks that fell out of my 'fall-out' batch were right on the edges where I bevel. It had never happened to me before in all the chunked soaps I've made (which are quite a few). My new theory is that maybe I had too many chunks and not enough soap to hold them in along my edges. Well, it sounds plausable enough to me anyway. :)

I've always followed the same process as Chris with cured soap and never had any chunks fall out. I've been doing it this way for years, chunking up batches that I didn't care for the looks of. It has always worked well for me.
This one isn't really chunks per se' but more like thicker strips from a potato peeler.

Soap-Goddess said:
I've always followed the same process as Chris with cured soap and never had any chunks fall out. I've been doing it this way for years, chunking up batches that I didn't care for the looks of. It has always worked well for me.
This one isn't really chunks per se' but more like thicker strips from a potato peeler.


OHHHHH I love that one with the blue in it!!

Blue is my favorite color and I really like that shade of blue!

Val said:
Soap-Goddess said:
I've always followed the same process as Chris with cured soap and never had any chunks fall out. I've been doing it this way for years, chunking up batches that I didn't care for the looks of. It has always worked well for me.
This one isn't really chunks per se' but more like thicker strips from a potato peeler.


OHHHHH I love that one with the blue in it!!

Blue is my favorite color and I really like that shade of blue!


Thanks you for the kind words :)
The blue was acheived with ultra-marine blue oxide. The strips were from a floral batch that seized horribly on me. So a few months later I just made another batch with full water and threw in the original batch. No soap wasted :)
Thanks so much for all your replies!

I too love the chunked look. :)

The chunks I used were only a week or two old.

On reflection I suspect I didn't have enough soap to hold them all in at the edges either.

I'll see how they go but the majority appear to be holidng up OK.

Thank you all for sharing your experiences!