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View attachment 7207
I glued down a piece of quarter round molding to keep the soap from sliding. Works perfectly!
View attachment 7207
I glued down a piece of quarter round molding to keep the soap from sliding. Works perfectly!
just shows there's a will there's a way good idea
I have a wooden and I asked my husband to fix two bars as a guide. It works perfectly. Here is a photo:
One important thing to note, illustrated by the example from Nframe - put the holding guides on the other side from the hinge so that it holds in place better.
View attachment 7207
I glued down a piece of quarter round molding to keep the soap from sliding. Works perfectly!
I'm not sure what you mean? What are you considering the hinge? If you mean the 2 guards, with that method you lose the flexibility to cut different sized bars which is one of the plus sides of this type of cutter.
It would be easier to hold it firmer with a second bar - you're pushing it in one direction rather than having to keep it in place and stopping it from going in two directions. Try it - get someone to push against you from one direction and you stop them. Now have them try to move you in various directions and you stop them - much harder as you have to react to the direction rather than keeping a constant force in one direction.
Of course, it is then harder to have the adjustable sizes! So it's a trade off, unless you make some sort of adjusting method for a second guide.................now that would be cool.
N frame how big is that?