CBD Amounts to use in Lotions

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Dec 18, 2013
Reaction score
Grand Rapids, MI
I am really looking at starting a line of CBD Muscle & Joint salves. I already make and sell a salve without the CBD but there have been some really positive things I have heard about this oil, but am having a hard time to find usage amounts. As it is very expensive I don't want to use more then needed to have a positive effect.
I am really looking at starting a line of CBD Muscle & Joint salves. I already make and sell a salve without the CBD but there have been some really positive things I have heard about this oil, but am having a hard time to find usage amounts. As it is very expensive I don't want to use more then needed to have a positive effect. Dale

There are two kinds of CBD oil...one that is derived from cannabis and one from hemp. The first works, the last is more of a gimmick. Since I live in a state that has legalized marijuana so I have been able to try creams made from both and CBD oil from cannabis far outweighs the other in terms of pain relief.
I am really looking at starting a line of CBD Muscle & Joint salves. I already make and sell a salve without the CBD but there have been some really positive things I have heard about this oil, but am having a hard time to find usage amounts. As it is very expensive I don't want to use more then needed to have a positive effect.
If you plan on using in a salve I use CBD Full Spectrum wax. The water soluble is rendered useless because of the heat. I’ve even used the CBD full spectrum oil tincture but you will receive better results using wax or sometimes called splatter. I used 50 mg per 1 oz for salves. Most of my products have CBD in them.
The lotions are worth a try. But only trial/error method helps you. The main thing whether cbd oils, salves or lotions, even buds, is to find what gives the best results for you. I'd certainly be interested in knowing what you discover.