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Soapmaking Forum

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yes and no.
Please have a search first before you ask: search for herbs, additives, colorants ecc.

I would read a lot, and a lot more, before diving from the high cliff into the deep sea of soapmaking. and asking questions


shouting is not done here! (capitals) :(
Have you introduced yourself properly?

So make a fresh start and I am sure you will get the help you need.
eucalypta said:
yes and no.
Please have a search first before you ask: search for herbs, additives, colorants ecc.

I would read a lot, and a lot more, before diving from the high cliff into the deep sea of soapmaking. and asking questions


shouting is not done here! (capitals) :(
Have you introduced yourself properly?

So make a fresh start and I am sure you will get the help you need.
well im very sorry im not shouting sorry if you take it that way!! i have red and red but never came across this before. Sorry to ask questions isnt this what a forum is for ?? hmm!!!!!! nice way to make people run away!!!!
ilovebeaniekids said:
eucalypta said:
yes and no.
Please have a search first before you ask: search for herbs, additives, colorants ecc.

I would read a lot, and a lot more, before diving from the high cliff into the deep sea of soapmaking. and asking questions


shouting is not done here! (capitals) :(
Have you introduced yourself properly?

So make a fresh start and I am sure you will get the help you need.
well im very sorry im not shouting sorry if you take it that way!! i have red and red but never came across this before. Sorry to ask questions isnt this what a forum is for ?? hmm!!!!!! nice way to make people run away!!!!

I doubt anyone is trying to make you run away.

You posted your questions at 3AM & 5AM EST, many of the members here are in the US - most of us are asleep at that time.

Remember the flies, the vinegar and the honey?

CAPITAL LETTERS do mean shouting.

To answer your questions; you can use the lavender in your garden to infuse the olive oil or add to your soap. However, you might want to dry it first before adding directly to your soap. As for food coloring you can use it, but beware, some colors are not stable in an alkaline environment. Blue morphs to purple, purple turns grey, all sorts of not-so-lovely things can happen.

Test. Test. Test.

Search. Search. Search.

Read. Read. Read.
Hey there, sometimes exuberance gets the best of us. Before they close this post. I have used Lavender from my garden and used it as an infusion in my lye water. You still should use a an EO though as the scent will not be strong enough. I experimented with a Lavender only bar, as in finely ground lavender only and it was great for the first couple of weeks but after a month gone I can no longer smell the lavender. MY most recent batch has, lavender infused oil, lavender infused water, and lavender EO, with wait for it....finely ground lavender buds(no stalks or anything scratchy) and it's been over a month and it smells great, feels great on the skin and everyone loves it. I halved the required EO as I had so much Lavender in the mix and it seems to have been the perfect mix. One thing though, I had to toss out my Lavender water though as it went moldy, next time I will keep it in the fridge.
Good Luck and happy soaping.
and I recommend NOT using whole buds in your soap (a few sprinkled on top are usually ok, at least for a while, but not IN) unless you like the way mouse turds look...

ask me how I know.
oh, and yes - forums are for asking questions, but in the context of sharing experiences, knowledge, and information. this forum is a learning place. so while it's a great resource - it's really a participatory thing.

we are not the library where you can call the front desk and demand answers. we are a community.

the people here are very nice. well, most are. some of us find "diplomacy" challenging, and can be a bit forthright. but such is the way with large groups of people = you get all types.

so JOIN in -
Sure, you can use lavender. Play around and see what you get. I would think that cake colorant might be a crapshoot at best, but if you're looking to try something on the cheap, I've seen people melt down crayon too.

Sorry we didn't see your post sooner. Usually someone will get to you pretty fast. If you have any more questions, ask away. Hope your soap came out well. :D
Can I make that my new siggy?

Forums: A participatory thing :wink: .

Well said.
and I recommend NOT using whole buds in your soap (a few sprinkled on top are usually ok, at least for a while, but not IN) unless you like the way mouse turds look...

ask me how I know

yah, me too....

If you grind them up though that isn't so bad. but they do have to be dried first.
xraygrl said:
and I recommend NOT using whole buds in your soap (a few sprinkled on top are usually ok, at least for a while, but not IN) unless you like the way mouse turds look...

ask me how I know

yah, me too....

If you grind them up though that isn't so bad. but they do have to be dried first.
I feel better now :oops:

And Tab (may I call you Tab?) - go for it! but you need to put my ™ after it LOL.
If you have flowers or herbs you want to use out of your garden you can dry them in your oven by putting them on a cookie sheet and letting them sit at 170 F until they feel crumbly. I put parchment paper under them to keep them from sticking to the sheet. Once they are dried you can grind them up in either a food processor or with a mortar & pestle. I do this with my lavender, rosemary and mint.

There is ALWAYS room for questions, sometimes searches get feeling a little overwhelming so I see no reason not to post any question - it is how all of us have learned in the first place. That's how those posts ended up there in the first place. But you do need to be patient with us too - for instance I am on the west coast so I am several hours behind you and since I have a business to run I can't be on here all the time anymore.... :cry:

Welcome to the Forum.... :D

I have used lavender from the garden with some success.
I did like Lindy said and dried it in the oven, the purple bits that I pulled of the plant itself. I didn't grind it up though, good idea, I think I will do that next time with some peppermint tea.
Anyway in my lavender soap, I used the dried lavender, lavender essential oil and I coloured it light mauve. It was very nice soap. I think I may have a bar left around here somewhere.
How do you guys crush your herbs? My mom uses a p- thingy i can't think of what it's called right now.. but it has the stick and bowl thing and it's like ceramic
yes that thing haha I was wondering what the best ways for soaping making would be.. I would think I coffee grinder would work well actually!! I bet you get some small pieces haha The whole mordar thingy seems like it wouldn't crush it fast enough..
I pulled out my Grandma's mortar & pestle when I started making soap... with all good intentions. But I guess I'm not as patient as my grandma... or maybe she just never had a coffee grinder! Still the m&p looks very nice sitting out in my kitchen :)

FYI - to clean your coffee grinder throw in a couple of tablespoons of dried rice and grind it up, then toss that out. It works really well for things that might leave oils behind (like coffee beans among other things...)
Something I was just thinking about.. well a few things.. haha

1.) how much would a small one cost? I wouldn't picture more then 20 bucks right?

2.) could you use the different flavors of coffee in soap?

3.) I think I may use one since my mom has one.. but i'd like to look into a grinder hah