I did a show on Saturday, my first time taking bubble scoops to an outdoor show and my first time setting up outside with 2 tables. I had the tables setup slightly "wrong" so some of my products were in sunlight for about 2 hours (now I know, will have better setup this weekend). Anyways, as I was unpacking at home, I noticed that some of my bubble scoops had brown spots on them. They also have a weird movie theater popcorn smell to them. I am wondering if the sun exposure could have oxidized the cocoa butter? Of the 6 that I had out, only 2 have developed this problem. They are also vanillan FO's that I used a stabilizer with, but the 3rd batch that I used a vanillan FO and stabilizer did not do this so I do not think it is a vanillan issue. I do find it weird that none of the others have the brown spots and weird smell, and not all of the scoops from the same batch are affected. Anyone have ideas or experience with this?