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Considering that most plants and food turn soap a rather ugly brown, your creamy tomato soap is a win!
It almost went in the bin as it was a horrible colour when first made but I gave it a chance to see how it turned out, it was the same with the blueberry batch , it was the ugliest colour ever but 2 days later it had a blue look to it and wasn't so bad
I was just browsing soap pictures and thought I would post a few of my favorites. There are some very talented soapers in Germany! A couple were pinned from their equivalent (it appeared) of this forum but I couldn't find who made them. Another came from someone's blog, "Kicking Dirt's A@@ one day at a time". She makes some great designs on her top layer. I have also learned that butterfly swirls are just not in my repertoire.

The one was pinned as a soap but is actually glass. However, if someone could make that from M&P, they'd be famous!!!! I love it.

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How did they make soap picture #3? Holy! So amazing!
How did they make soap picture #3? Holy! So amazing!

I think it's glass, not soap, according to newbie:

The one was pinned as a soap but is actually glass. However, if someone could make that from M&P, they'd be famous!!!! I love it.

Make that from M&P?? As the so-called 'M&P artist in residence'... not in this lifetime 🤣

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