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Tabitha wrote:
I am not a BB regular. I have ordered maybe 1/2 dozen times from them & had very good service each time & above & beyond twice when I had a special requests.

You said on the first page of this thread that you had two unpleasant experiences with them.

LOL! You are right, I did, a couple years ago order 2x & was not pleased. I had even forgotten why I wasn't pleased. I gave them another chance (cause they had something I realy wanted & couldn't get anywhere else) & have ordered from them 1/2 dozen times in the last years or so & have had no complaints since.
Tabitha said:
Tabitha wrote:
I am not a BB regular. I have ordered maybe 1/2 dozen times from them & had very good service each time & above & beyond twice when I had a special requests.

You said on the first page of this thread that you had two unpleasant experiences with them.

LOL! You are right, I did, many years ago order 2x & was not pleased. I had even forgotten why I wasn't pleased. I gave them another chance (cause they had something I realy wanted & couldn't get anywhere else) & have ordered from them 1/2 dozen times in the last years or so & have had no complaints since.

Hehe! Thanks for clearing that up! :) I have ordered from them before, but cancelled my order because it took way too long. I would consider ordering from them again... maybe.
It's interesting to see people with only great experiences and then the ones with only bad experiences lol. I figure maybe I'll give them another shot.

I really sound pathetic when I say this... the free sample really matters to me! It's the perfect way of knowing if I should buy it in the future. :)
I, too, love Brambleberry. I have always gotten exactly what I've ordered, the "freebie" and while shipping takes a few days, my goodness...this stuff has to travel all the way from Washington to North Carolina!!! :shock:

Not to mention the fact that I have ordered waaaaaay too many FO's to be fresh-out anytime soon while I wait on a new order! :D
Sent in an order last night, didn't have trouble with the first one - all my liquid bottles had electrical tape wrapped around them so that they wouldn't leak in the box.

Their site is much easier to navigate than Snowdrift's though, for what that's worth. :shock:

Those who don't like BB, where do you get your materials?
Just wanted to give an update. They said they'd refund my credit card. Waited a week, nothing, so I called. Said they refunded on the 12th. As of today, still nothing. I called my credit card company, and they said there is no such pending refund. :x

I think I'll write a letter to Anne Marie. I feel this is ridiculous :(

On a note with the electrical tape... I like the idea, but I notice when I remove the tape (regardless of where I get it), there sometimes is still leakage, but it's confined to the tape lol.

Other places I've ordered from so far: Southern Soapers, and WSP. Both got everything correct, and FAST.
Just noticed this thread...

I purchase from Brambleberry just a few times per year. There are 6 scents that I must have. I have never had any reason to deal with their customer service. I do think that they have very slow shipping. I deal with 2 other west coast suppliers and my items always arrive very quickly.

On another note, I really like the generous samples that they give out. It is nice that they do it. I have ordered from several companies and have never received a single free thing in years of business with them.
Mandarin said:
On another note, I really like the generous samples that they give out. It is nice that they do it. I have ordered from several companies and have never received a single free thing in years of business with them.

I really don't have much experience ordering from BB at all, but this thing kinda struck a cord with me. I find a lot of suppliers do this... they throw in "free goodies" to make up for everything else that is lacking in their business. I'm not just talking about BB here, but when I read this it just reminded me how many times companies have done that to me. I guess they really don't have to send anything at all, but trying to make up for constant mistakes by "bribing" with free things ticks me off! (Sorry, rant over. :D )
AshleyR said:
Mandarin said:
On another note, I really like the generous samples that they give out. It is nice that they do it. I have ordered from several companies and have never received a single free thing in years of business with them.

I really don't have much experience ordering from BB at all, but this thing kinda struck a cord with me. I find a lot of suppliers do this... they throw in "free goodies" to make up for everything else that is lacking in their business. I'm not just talking about BB here, but when I read this it just reminded me how many times companies have done that to me. I guess they really don't have to send anything at all, but trying to make up for constant mistakes by "bribing" with free things ticks me off! (Sorry, rant over. :D )

Yeah, that would tick me off if it was a bribe "sorry we suck" kinda thing. That hasn't been my experience with Brambleberry though...more on the other end. Like great products, packed nicely, everything looks good....AAAAAND a freebie? How'd I get so lucky?" :D
I have to say my shopping experience with Bramble Berry was good, I just don't like their no return policy on many items. Well, and their site could be a little clearer about what products are synthetic, and perhaps state on each product page if it can not be returned.

I messed up and ordered a bunch of fragrance oils along with soap making supplies on my first order with them. Being new to soap making, I wrongly assumed fragrance oils were like the fragrance oils I make for my other products... essential oils in a carrier oil. Oops!

I emailed them to comment on their no return policy and mentioned that I will stick with Mountain Rose Herbs for all my supplies since they do have a 60 return policy, no questions asked. BB's reply was they don't accept returns because they would never resell something that was opened by another customer. Ummm... companies that accept returns that have been opened just throw them away and take the loss to keep their customer happy and coming back. So I won't be going back to Bramble Berry just for that reason.

I'll stick with Mountain Rose Herbs since I do 100% natural with my products anyhow. Altho I do wish essential oils weren't as expensive as they are!
im lucky enough to be able to buy from BBs retail store, since i live only an hour or so away and have to drive through to visit my mom.

there are two things i dont like about BB, and they are- 1) ive been buying alot of their smallest size FOs, just to try out new ones, and when looking through their selection you really have to find the fullest bottles. ive seen some that are missing what looks to be a quarter to half an oz almost!

2) i will check their site for availability, and items will be in stock, but when i get there to buy them in person, they cant find them! its a bit disappointing but not the end of the world. and if i know in advance if im passing through town, i can call ahead and get them to box up what i want to buy.

like i said, ive never dealt with them over the phone or internet, but in person their staff is SUPER knowledgable and friendly. my first time in there i was there for almost 2 hours just chatting up the girl working the counter, asking all the questions i could think of =] i will most likely continue to shop from them as i prefer to support local businesses and they have some great items i havent found anywhere else!

(but i do still buy from other online vendors as BB doesnt have EVERYthing)
New BrambleBerry Customer

I ordered for the first time from BrambleBerry last week. I LOVE AnneMarie's SoapQueen Blog and video tutorials, and their prices are lower than the place I ordered from before. However, I did order a week ago (same day I place several orders from different internet companies) and I have received all of my orders from that day, EXCEPT brambleberry. According to fedex, my package arrived at the Portland, OR fedex center and has been there for the past 4 + days!!! Perhaps the problem isnt with brambleberry at all on everyone's delayed shipping. It looks as though FedEx has a problem if they are keeping packages for over 4 days at one location. just saying...
yeah, both fedex and ups do that same thing...

i had a UPS package say it was sitting in the sorting facility for 4 days, and it was delivered on the fourth day without indication that it left the warehouse.
just ordered

Well, I'm terribly new, but I just this week ordered from BB-mostly cuz I really liked their website. I ordered from a few different stores. I figure I'll keep it posted and relate how it goes. So far, I have gotten all my emails and confirmations, and my fedex and ups are really good-very rarely see things sitting around in a warehouse. So we'll see!!!

As for the (kinda old) posts about the freebies being bribes-I think maybe you're being cynical. As far as marketing goes, this is one of the BEST things a company can do. Nowadays so few companies are willing to do the niceties that we have started seeing return policies and proper packaging as customer service. It's not really. Freebies, is. It's as much a bribe as coupons in the sunday paper.....

I used to work at a spa where we would get all these extras, and we would give them out to clients. They would alwasy say things like, "you know-this doens't mean I'm gonna buy it" and when we would explain we were just being nice (which we were) noone ever believed us. So sad.
I love BB and think they have quality products (plus I love that free sample and do not look at it as a bribe, just a "thank you"). My only complaint is it takes so long for my package to arrive at my doorstep. I do not hold BB responsible because if I track the package, it is in transit. I surmise the problem is UPS in the Portland area.
Well, I must say-I have ordered quite a few things from different companies-and I really, really like Brambleberry. Their stuff has come fast and no issues at all-even in super heat.