Book of Robert Tisserand - score!

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Bee Happy
Nov 23, 2015
Reaction score
In Norway the Essential Oil Safety book of Mr. Robert Tisserand is quite expensive. I assume it is everywhere else too, but it is completely understandable, it is a book filled with liquid gold for anyone who use essential oils, and want to know what they are all about.

I certainly do!

I have wanted it for a coupple of years, and was going to purchase it, but not many stores has it in stock. In Norway his book cost about $82-$90 a piece - IF you can find it at all. Amazon doesn`t ship to where I live, so had to wait.

A coupple of days ago I received an email from an online bookstore - 50% on ALL books in the entire store + free shipping! ($11 saved in shipping, just there)
The offer was only valid for 12 hours. I was on pins and needles, did they have the book of Mr. Tisserand?? Shivering hands plotted in those oh so familiar words in the search bar .... <<Tisserand>>.


Needless to say, I took the offer.

I scored his book for the wonderfull price of.... $35. Can you believe it? It was the revised version too. It is not translated into Norwegian, but I`ll take it as an oportunity to learn more english.

Reading about essential oils is something I have done for years, but the books in the library are far from being desireable, and just doesn`t cut it for me who want to dig a lot deeper than "Lavender is great for cuts and scrapes". So I have used his website and other sites to educate myself.

And today I got the email that said it was on the way.

It`s on its way, It`s on its way, It`s on its way, It`s on its way, It`s on its way...


No let me rephrase that....

YAY!!! You got yourself an awesome deal! I bought the same book about 2 months ago, but for a lot more than that. lol It's worth every penny, though, and I'm so glad I was able to save up for it. It's an excellent resource that I think should be on the shelf of everyone who works with EOs so that they can use them safely. Happy reading!

IrishLass :)
YAY!!! You got yourself an awesome deal! I bought the same book about 2 months ago, but for a lot more than that. lol It's worth every penny, though, and I'm so glad I was able to save up for it. It's an excellent resource that I think should be on the shelf of everyone who works with EOs so that they can use them safely. Happy reading!

IrishLass :)

Thanks, IL! : D

I do feel a bit silly though, to be THIS exited over a book? I mean, I don`t normally jump up and down (jiggle-jiggle-jiggle) for any other book. But this is special.

Can`t wait to read it and start writing down notes! What I really looking forward to right now is reading about the new added information about how essential oils can potentially make interactions with medications!

It`s probably the first thing I will look up when I get it in my hands. Making soap for my dad and other familymembers that I KNOW use medications for differnt things - like high bloodpressure, heartmedications, bloodthinning etc, has made me suuuper carefull when I add essential oils. Even though I know soap is a wash off product I will feel more confident getting all the important info directly from a reputable source.

I can google all I want, but not everything comes with a reputable source so it is difficult to be sure. This book will really help me getting a bigger picture, not snippets and pieces of information I constantly has to tripple-check to see if it is to be trusted and backed up by other sources (I may be a bit overly cautious, but better safe than sorry!)

I want to be registered and start selling one day, (only markets and low scale word by mouth etc.) But if a pregnant lady, or a lady who is breastfeeding her child comes to me for a soap for her dry skin, I want to be sure she isn`t exposed to anything that can harm her or her baby.

I think this book will give me some piece of mind, and make me more educated, even though I just make soap in small ammounts. That way I can be ready when I get registered and have the stamp of approval on my recipes.
It`s HERE!

It got here today, and I am sooo happy : D

Wow, this baby is big, I wouldn`t have guessed it was THIS bit judging from the pictures on the website. I still can`t believe I got it at such a low price, because it is such a fantastic book!

I just learned something important, and that was after reading for 30 seconds. Seriously!

Even if my native tongue isn`t english I found this book to be very easy to read and easy to navigate in. I know by just having it in my posession for 30 minutes that this thing was more than worth the wait!

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