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Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2013
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I adjusted my previous shampoo bar recipe just for kicks. Decided at the last minute to swirl in some ground walnut shells. It didn't swirl through like I expected (I didn't add much though). There is kind of a waxy coating on top. Not entirely sure what that's about ?

Anyway it's my neatest prettiest soap so far. Can't wait to try it out.

ImageUploadedBySoap Making1380849853.644031.jpg
ImageUploadedBySoap Making1380849921.242453.jpg

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It looks like a heavy layer of soda ash. I've had a soap that looked almost like that. After it cures, use a damp cloth and that should wipe right off and you'll be able to see your swirl design! :)

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Sweet thanks!

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That is a very cool look tho..your soap turned out very nicely.
Lovely! I think the white layer on top is soda ash, but this time, it makes the soap looks better!

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