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Jan 18, 2009
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Okay so I am planning on making my first batch of soap saturday and I need to know what supplies I have to have. Digital scale, stick blender? I bought used stainless steel spoons and silicone molds from the goodwill. I have a thermometer that I bought for candlemaking can I use that?

Has anyone ever figured out the average cost of a batch?

Any suggestions for an easy first batch?

Thanks in advance
A good digital scale is a must, as is sodium hydroxide. A stick blender is not a MUST, but I personally have never soaped without one. And then of course you need your oil(s) that you are going to use and whatever kind of mold.

As far as average cost per batch, that is really dependant on how much you spent on your supplies, and which oils you use. I have a recipe that if I break it down per bar of soap it cost me a little over .20 per bar. But I also have a recipe that the average bar costs about .85 each. So it really depends on your ingredients, how big your batches are and if you paid for shipping for them. It all factors in...
I tried bring a batch of cp to trace with a spoon. It took forever and I regretted every minute of it. The next batch I used a stick blender and will never ever use a spoon again. Unless the world loses all sources of electric power and people need my soap.
Okay, first, the typical standard is cost times 4. Now this is how I figure my personal stuff out.

Say I'm making a 5 pound batch and use olive and coconut oils. I bought 7 pounds of olive and it cost me 1.90 per pound and in addition a total of 5 dollars shipping. I figure out the cost per ounce and spread the shipping. So at a 1.90 a pound we still have to add in shipping of about .05 cents an ounce (5/112). How much does the OO cost per ounce? 1.90 divided by 16 = .11875 so round up till 12 cents cost for ever ounce. How did I calculate shipping per ounce .... 7 x 16 gives you total ounces then take 5 dollars, your total shipping and divide by total ounces. Now say I ordered a whole bunch of stuff, like CO, OO, castor, some dyes, etc. How do I figure out how to spread shipping for that one? Find out your total number of pounds, convert into ounces, and calculate the same way as above. You need to do a similar calculation with taxes (if you have to pay sales tax) stuff like that.
You'll definitely want a purchase a stick blender; you might even get lucky and find one or two at your local Goodwill that works just fine, otherwise venture into local Walmart or similar store(s), they sell them, their pretty inexpensive. Oils & butters are going to be your biggest costs depending on where (supplier or store) & how much (quality--e.g. lbs) you purchase, along with essential oils & fragrance oils--once you get into using these.

Then there's herbs also, if you want to use these in your soap recipes to color or add texture to your soap. If you're nearby a dairy farm or local farmer you maybe able to get your hands on fresh butterfat (milkfat) or cow's and/or goat's milk. The varieties of ingredients of what you can use in your soap is only limited by your imagination. :D

Here are some places, purchase supplies, to start you off;
For your first batch, I would suggest getting the stick blender, and then just getting a can of vegetable shortening. The trans fat style makes a hard bar that's nice and conditioning, and it will let you get a feel for trace and let you practice without being cost prohibitive.

It's not GREAT soap, but it's still better than anything you can buy in the store, and it's easy to work with. :)

Do a few batches of plain, unscented soap, to get the feel of it, and then work on additives, colors, and the rest.

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