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Well after all this talk I just had to make some. It's in the oven gelling so I'll let you know:)
I peel the avocado, drop it in the blender along with some water (or whatever liquid I'm soaping with) and add it to the soap at trace. Be sure to subtract some of the water from what you are using to dilute your lye.
Reading all these posts has got me thinking I'd like to try an avocado soap. What would you scent it with though or do you scent it at all? The cucumber puree would be great for the colour but wouldn't you need grapefruit seed extract as a preservative when adding cucumber and avocado puree? Does it come out kind of brownish if nothing extra is added for colour?
Mine came out a beautiful light, almost translucent, avacodo green:) But, I think it would depend on what kind of oils you use.

I think I'm really going to like it!:) Turned out pretty good.
Wow!!! Love those!!! I'm dying to know if the color stays that true after a couple of months. Those looks soooo good.
Dixie said:
LJA[quoteI'm dying to know if the color stays that true after a couple of months.

Me too, but I did add a little bit of chrome green oxide. Did yours change color LJA?[/quote]

Yeah, it kinda gets a yellow-y transluscent color. You're good if you threw some green oxide in it, I'd think. That's been my experience anyway.
I hope so because I really like this one:) But even if it goes yellowish, I think with the swirls in it, it will still look ok. I just can't wait to try this one, so I made a cphp batch this afternoon:)
Okay you have all done it again!!
I am going to make some avocado soap this weekend, with puree and avocado oil
My sister has excema, and DH has psoriasis, so this should be good for his skin.
My oldest avocado/cucumber soap is almost 9 months old now and is still a beautiful shade of green.

Reading all these posts has got me thinking I'd like to try an avocado soap. What would you scent it with though or do you scent it at all? The cucumber puree would be great for the colour but wouldn't you need grapefruit seed extract as a preservative when adding cucumber and avocado puree? Does it come out kind of brownish if nothing extra is added for colour?

I scent mine with either Cucumber/Melon FO, or Cucumber & Green Tea FO since they go along so well with the color green. Green Apple would be good, too, or anything else that screams green.

Re: preservatives in foodie CP- As long as you (A) puree the food finely (absolutely no chunks allowed), (B) refrain from going too crazy with a high superfat, and (C) add modest amounts (no more than 1 tbsp ppo, unless it's just the juice, that is, which can be used to replace your entire water amount), then you should have no problem with buggies or mold (at least I never have).

Besides my almost 9 month old avocado/cucumber soaps (which are doing very well without preservatives), I have carrot soaps without preservatives that are about 2 years old now and are still holding up perfectly fine. The key is making sure your food is finely pureed. Chunks will go moldy according to testimonies I have read by soapers who have had the misfortune of having added chunks. The food particles must be small enough to get saturated through with the lye as you are mixing the soap batter. That seems to be the trick.

IrishLass :)

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