Avocado oil: It`s official, I`m sold!

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Bee Happy
Nov 23, 2015
Reaction score
Sorry if this gets long, but I am elated!

After testing avocado oil in several of my soapbatches now, I am hereby officially declaring this oil pure awesomeness in my soapy stash.

I made a thread earlier (here) but wanted to make a separate thread since that one asked for recipe feedback, which is not the case now.
( The recipe I posted in that thread I changed before soaping it, so I soaped with a water discount (33% lye concentration and cut the recipe in half)

My usual trusted soapy things have included lard, coconut, olive, shea/cocoa & beeswax. These are great ingredients that makes great soaps, very happy with them all. And now I will add avocado into the mix, that`s for sure.

Of course this idea of avocado oil in soap is really old news to you guys, but since it has been rather expensive for me to purchase this oil because of having to get it from overseas with very high shipping, I have only restricted its use to my lipbalms and ointments/rubs for personal use. I have been using avocado oil for many years, so I allready knew I loved it for other reasons than soap. And now I have also finally found a supplier that I can get this oil from at a lower shippingcost than before (yay!)

Sitting in my cure racks I have about 5 pounds of soap with avocado oil in it. Lemme tell ya, only 3 weeks into curing and just testing a thinner end piece of one of the first batches; it is total love for me.

I will of course have to save a few bars from each batch so I know how it fares a year from now, but oh, the feeling of the end piece of this soap that isn`t even done curing is amayzingh...

I used refined, cold pressed avocado, and added it to my trusted recipes, but shaved off % rates of the oils and added avocado - in the ranges of 35% - 15 %. We`ll see what my favourite formula end up being, and that will take me months to find out. But regardless, avocado will be included.

I asked my husband to test the piece for me, in the shower and general handwashing yesterday and today. He rubbed his hands together and said he really liked it, it made his skin feel really good, sort of "different good than my other soaps".
Well, he is a man, and men aren`t exactly wasting words, but since I know him well I could tell by his reaction that this was at least a good piece of soap.

I have been lucky and not made any soaps that have dried us out or made anything sting or itch, but felt good to the skin. But the added avocado oil gave sort of a different softness, sort of silky smooth vs the usual smooth.

I dont know how else to put it, but you soapers get it. It is that feeling you get when something happens that you can`t really pinpoint exactly, but still can feel a positive difference that adds something extra :)

When I did a blind test of several slightly different recipes, the one with 7% avocado oil was the one overwhelmingly favored by testers. It really does make a lovely soap, and like you, I love it on my skin, period. Whether straight, in body butters, whatever. It's just yummy. I'm glad that you've found a good source for it. Yay for you!
Dang! Now I want to try avocado oil! Is it a liquid like oo or thicker like shea liquid? I'll ask a body oil question in the correct section......
It is a liquid oil. Soapers Choice and Cibaria Soap Supplies carry it in gallon and up containers. Shipping is probably better with Soapers Choice versus Cibaria. I am lucky and can will-call from Cibaria but cost is almost the same as SC if I paid shipping. I love Avocado oil and Avocado puree in soap. Just checked and SC is cheaper for the 35# even with shipping costs added.
I'm wondering if avocado oil is suitable to do soap for kids... :confused::confused::confused:
Congrats on making a quality product. Nothing feels better than soapy success. Does anyone here know if I could add some to my melt & pour's? I'm excited for you!!!
When I did a blind test of several slightly different recipes, the one with 7% avocado oil was the one overwhelmingly favored by testers. It really does make a lovely soap, and like you, I love it on my skin, period. Whether straight, in body butters, whatever. It's just yummy. I'm glad that you've found a good source for it. Yay for you!

Sounds great what you did, especially since it was a blind test! I didn`t tell my husband what was different with this soap because I wanted his feedback that wasn`t biased because of what I said. Sounds like there is something special about this oil. 7% - haven`t gone that low yet, 10% has been my lowest. But then again, I am not done testing this oil out yet...*grin*

Ok, you've tipped me into 'gonna try it' territory. I've been on the fence for a while but I think I'll be putting some in my cart on my next order.

Please do, I can`t imagine you regretting it. I am allready so annoyed that I waited this long for a proper test, but it at least worked itself out finding a better supplier for my oily needs now.

I too love avocado oil in almost everything. It's such a lovely oil.

It is, it really is. Ever tried it in lip-balms? Pure awesomness in stick form.

Dang! Now I want to try avocado oil! Is it a liquid like oo or thicker like shea liquid? I'll ask a body oil question in the correct section......

I am so sorry for enabling (no I am not, te-hee) Mine is like olive oil in consistency, really easy to work with!

I just love avocados. It's one of those veggies/fruits I can get my kid to eat with no resistance.

That is great. I know it is so easy to hide too, because it is so neutral. I once tasted a chocolate spread that someone made with pureed avocado, could not tell that it was in there at all.

It is a liquid oil. Soapers Choice and Cibaria Soap Supplies carry it in gallon and up containers. Shipping is probably better with Soapers Choice versus Cibaria. I am lucky and can will-call from Cibaria but cost is almost the same as SC if I paid shipping. I love Avocado oil and Avocado puree in soap. Just checked and SC is cheaper for the 35# even with shipping costs added.

I haven`t tried pureed avocado in there yet, but it is #1 on my list! May I ask if you lower the SF even more when you add the puree? (you were the one that liked low SF, am I right? Seem to recall something about you got problems with the plumbing with higher SF. Apologize if I am mistaken)
I usually soap around the 6/7 range, but with this one I went for 5% SF because of the oil properties, and I found that to be just fine with this oil. I want to make a smaller batch with 4% SF too, just to feel the difference.

I'm wondering if avocado oil is suitable to do soap for kids... :confused::confused::confused:

It is a very mild oil with lots of vitamins. I found this link for you, read under "Top natural ingredients for baby’s skin products" - where pure avocado oil is specifically mentioned for babies. Just remember that real soap (CP) is not recommended for babies, their skin need something milder, so I would not make a CP soap for a baby. But the pure oil is great (as long as she isn`t allergic to something related to latex).

Congrats on making a quality product. Nothing feels better than soapy success. Does anyone here know if I could add some to my melt & pour's? I'm excited for you!!!

Thank you, it is truly is rewarding. If you want to add oils to your melt & pour base I would limit the oil to 1 very small ts pr. pound of base, no more than that. Adding more will inhibit lather in those readymade bases. If you really want to add something extra but are not sure because of this issue, you can add a small ts of extra glycerin instead, that will not give you any iussues in my experience. But not much more than that as glycerin can have the oposite effect if used in large doses (have been doing M&P for 17 years so have experimented a lot with every additive under the sun, so this is just based on my personal experience).
I wouldn't say avocado is neutral. The ones that grow in Florida are nice and fruity and I love those for guacamole (as opposed to it's smaller, often overprices cousins...)
I wouldn't say avocado is neutral. The ones that grow in Florida are nice and fruity and I love those for guacamole (as opposed to it's smaller, often overprices cousins...)

Well, I can only relate to the ones imported and that we can get a hold of here of course, and they are indeed very neutral. Not what I would call fruity in taste, at all, just... bland? Would like to eat an avocado that taste a bit more than we get here though...
I really love the soap I made with 30% avocado oil (a tweak of Genny's shampoo bar). I also use it in my shave croap/soap, @ 10%. It's a lovely oil!

I really love avocado's (the fruit), too. I'm blessed to live in an area where they are always available year-round at the grocer's. One of my favorite ways to eat them (other than in guacamole or in salads or just plain straight up) is in ice cream. You'll never find a more creamy ice cream on the planet.

IrishLass :)
I really love the soap I made with 30% avocado oil (a tweak of Genny's shampoo bar). I also use it in my shave croap/soap, @ 10%. It's a lovely oil!

I really love avocado's (the fruit), too. I'm blessed to live in an area where they are always available year-round at the grocer's. One of my favorite ways to eat them (other than in guacamole or in salads or just plain straight up) is in ice cream. You'll never find a more creamy ice cream on the planet.

IrishLass :)

You just had to mention 'creamy' and 'ice cream'... 30% avocado oil would be nice in a soap.

MSH, I don't live in Florida but my aunt sometimes mails some to us. I'm also fortunate enough to live near enough to ethnic markets to snag some when they have it.
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I love it, too. Use it in a lot of my stuff.

Will try a variation of the 80% lard bar, adding in 10% avo and going for 70% lard.

On an eating note, make up some chicken mayonnaise with an avocado chunked up in it, put that mixture in a crusty baguette and you have just made a little bit of heaven
I love it, too. Use it in a lot of my stuff.

Will try a variation of the 80% lard bar, adding in 10% avo and going for 70% lard.

On an eating note, make up some chicken mayonnaise with an avocado chunked up in it, put that mixture in a crusty baguette and you have just made a little bit of heaven

I guess my American is showing. I have no idea what a chicken mayonnaise is! If it's like our chicken salad then I bet you're right and it's a taste of heaven! Fresh, crusty baguette....yummmm.....
[emoji5] it's just lumps of (cooked) chicken mixed with mayonnaise

Aaaahhh! So it's the base of our chicken salad. Along with the chicken and mayo we add stuff like celery, chives, dill, etc. (basically, anything you like and have on hand). Adding the avocado ups it from tasty to decadent!
Had heard about the glycerin but I was told I could use SLSA for more lather. What are your thoughts about that? Thanks!!