ATTN SHOPPERS! If you will look where the blue light...

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Dec 22, 2010
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Northwest Florida
I went to Sam's Club this morning to pick up olive oil and the Member's Mark is 12.5 cents/oz in the 3 liter bottle. Pompeian in the 5 liter bottle is 11.2 cents/oz. Just thought I'd mention it if you happen to just grab what used to be the best buy but no longer is.
Slight hijack.....

ATTN SHOPPERS! If you will look where the blue light...

Oh, my goodness- that brings back so many memories for me. I used to work at Kmart back when I was fresh out of high school in the '80's, and as part of my job I was required to conduct many of those blue light announcements over the intercom. :lol: It terrified me to do so at first, but once I got over my fear I let go and had a lot of creative fun with it. I met my hubby working there and he always likes to joke that he picked me up on a blue light special.

Okay- hijack over.

IrishLass :)
IrishLass - that is such a cute story! :D

Dennis, why did you break it down to the oz? I am way to lazy to use a calculator to figure out how much that is. I want to know if it is cheaper than Costco dammit!!!! Ooops, I got a little worked up there. Actually, it would cost a lot more to buy a membership to Sam's to save a few cents. So I really don't need to know, but I kind of want to.....
As another Sam's member, he probably broke it down to the ounce because that is how Sam's has it posted. At least they posted it as apples to apples... sometimes they will list one in ounces and the other in quarts or liters.
Calm down, I'm tryin!:roll: I save much more than the membership cost just on milk. I have a teenager who will drink nothing but milk. And mountain dew, but much more milk. I usually buy 6 gallons at a time and just stick it in the fridge. It goes quick so don't even bother to freeze it.

The 3 liter bottle was $12.95 or so and the 5 liter was $18.88.

5 liter - $3.776/liter
3 liter - $4.316666666666/liter:lol:

Does that help?

I always compare prices by weight. Comes from an earlier time in my life when money was scarce to say the least. Then I run over to Publix and load up on TastyKakes!
Thanks for the giggle, I belong to Sam's and I keep trying to get in there to get some OO. Cute story, IrishLass :)
I always seem to get the best prices at Job Lot. Of course it is a hit or miss but when I find it , I buy it all :)

I tend to use what I get from Soapers Choice and save the Job Lot version for my house but it is always there if I run out. I won't pay shipping on just OO.
I went to Sam's this morning and saw that. I already have 3 unopened Member's Mark Olive oils in the closet, but definately saw that. I just wondered if it really was "Pure Olive Oil". I'll use up what I have first and wait and see how everyone else does with it. It will be awhile before I'm finished up with 303 oz of olive. Although, I had to break down and fill my kitchen olive oil bottle with some olive oil from in the soap house this afternoon.
I also use Soaper's Choice and have found their shipping to be quite reasonable to my area. It surprised me as I am on the Gulf Coast in Northwest Florida and expected much higher shipping rates. Their shipping is cheaper than if I bought from a vendor located in South Florida. Adding Florida sales tax makes it even more.
Bayougirl said:
I went to Sam's this morning and saw that. I already have 3 unopened Member's Mark Olive oils in the closet, but definately saw that. I just wondered if it really was "Pure Olive Oil". I'll use up what I have first and wait and see how everyone else does with it. It will be awhile before I'm finished up with 303 oz of olive. Although, I had to break down and fill my kitchen olive oil bottle with some olive oil from in the soap house this afternoon.

I wondered the same thing. The labels show some differences in countries of origin but I doubt that olives have any political slant. Pompeian is based in Baltimore Md and I have to wonder if they didn't bottle the Member's Mark OO. I'm going to contact them and report back.
My mother used to live for those. As soon as she heard the sound of the intercom go on she would send me running to get in line. Of course she was having coffee in the concession area.
I remember blue light specials!

Sad news about olive oil. I was just in Spain last Sep-Oct. Spent time where my dad lives, basically a giant olive grove, connected to many others. All of Spain's olive harvest has been really bad this year. As the #1 producer, this means the prices will go up even if Italy and Greece had OK harvests, and i doubt they did. The inventory in the stores is still cheap now, but when they restock, it will be more. I cannot say how much more. I can ask my dad for some numbers, or maybe try goggling.

Don't want to recommend that folks stock pile olive oil, because it is perishable, but, would it be a good idea to buy extra and add vitamin E to it? any other ideas? What do you guys think?
green soap said:
Don't want to recommend that folks stock pile olive oil, because it is perishable, but, would it be a good idea to buy extra and add vitamin E to it? any other ideas? What do you guys think?

I think it survived a Florida summer in my garage with no affect on soaping and I am going back to Sam's and load up after some research.

As far as the blue light specials I remember them and that KMart had a great sporting goods department and really good popcorn in their candy department. :D

Bukaww said:
Its only 10.5 cents/oz at Costco if you have those

None here yet, but rumors are flying.

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