ARGH!!!! Need advice on formula change....

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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2011
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Ok....soooooo....I had my formula SET as far as my soaps go. Opened shop, bought in bulk and started producing in much larger quantities, started gaining customers....

But all the time I kept dabbling on the side with small batches. Playing here and there with different oil combinations.....

And now I've found one that I think I like a little's easier to work with and produces a much nicer looking bar (no ash to mess with), and the properties are CLOSE to what I have now, it's a little more creamy lather and a little less fluffy lather. My only customers that I have now know and love my current formula. I haven't been open that long (a little over a month), but I already have a few die hard fans. I'm seriously debating switching formulas though, but if I'm going to do it I need to do it NOW. Markets around here start up in May, and I need enough time to build stock of the new formula and phase out the old.....

So....what would you do.....switch formulas? Keep the one you originally loved? Have both?

ARGH! I'm probably stressing out about this way more then I should.....but.....ARGH!!!
if you really believe you're putting out a higher quality product, then sure, change it. there are a lot of factors that go into it but it's really your choice - if the qualities are very similar, people may notice or they really may not! they may be just as happy with it. I do think you're overthinking it.
I think you should switch and explain to your loyal customers that you feel it is a superior product (in your opinion). I don't think a formula change would stop them from buying it again. They are probably looking at the whole "soap" such as fragrance, color, ingredients.

Agree that you're overanalyzing. Your gut is telling you what to do. Go with it and own it.
I don't know if it's really a superior product though. I like fluffy rather then the original formula has it beat there. However the new formula is easier for ME to work with. It's a toss us....keep the original formula who's properties I like a bit better, or switch to the new one that is easier.....

I think I may keep my original formula for now and make a few batches of the new one and see what people think of it over all. If I find the feedback is better for the new one then the old one I'll switch.
Your an overthinker aren't you hun? :D

I like fluffy too but my customers like creamy. I recently changed my formula from fluffier to creamier and the 1 customer who noticed loved it. The others haven't even noticed and still love the soap. They were all aware the formula had changed a little.

As long as it isn't drastic, like going to Castile or something- you'll be fine and your customers will love it.

Your soap is gorgeous and smells good- you can't go wrong.