I've been tempted myself to hire a professional photographer but I opted instead to invest in a better camera and a table top tripod.
On eBay I found a 6.1 megapixel camera with 10X zoom refurbished. Basically I got a $300 camera for $130.
If thinking of purchasing a better camera, which to me pays for itself ten times over compared to paying someone every time you need photos, these are the features you want to look for.
5 megapixels or better.
10X zoom feature
Macro Feature for close-ups. I've gotten beautiful shots of insects with this feature. It really brings the small details into focus.
And you should be able to mount it to a tripod.
I've bought lights with 150watt bulbs for indoor shots but I think outdoor in sunlight looks best. Rather than invest in photography lamps I just purchased some inexpensive shop lights with the metal domes and clamps to clip on over your work area.
Taken using the shop lamps and a black cloth purchased from a local fabric store. I try to to crisscross two or more lamps to avoid shadows:
Taken using the macro feature:
Product photo using outdoor lighting:
I haven't had any type of photography training but with a better camera, use of a steady tripod and some basic tips from a selling on eBay guide I've been able to get really great results. My only problem is that I often forget to disable the time/date stamp. But then I just try to crop them out when I edit and resize.