Anxiety lol

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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2020
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Does anybody else get serious anxiety before starting to mix your lye into oils? Its like when you get to that point, theres no turning back and you need to keep going.

Guess im ocd. I keep checking the recipe, making sure i didnt forget anything. Got all my containers and colors in order.

its like the point of no return lol. Thats where i am right now
Sometimes I do feel rushed, but I don't have anxiety. I'm pretty carefree, and whatever happens, happens. I want it to be fun for me, so I don't overthink it!
Alright. Its poured. Beer and a cigarette time lol.

my third time cpop. First one was fine, second one not so much. Keeping my fingers crossed.

my god i didnt know i had anxiety until making soap lmbo
I was like that in the beginning but I've mellowed out a bit. I get into a rhythm and pretty much follow the same routine for each process. I have to admit though, that the trance gets broken usually during the pour - particularly if I'm working with multiple colours or trying new designs.
I pre-measure/pre-disperse/melt everything, then line up every ingredient, utensil, dish, and tool I'm planning to use, drink water, have a snack, use the bathroom... CP I consider a race against the clock for getting my design in before the trace gets too thick. MWHP is a marathon where I reheat and stir for approximately a century, adding different things at different points before it goes into the mold. Either way, I don't want to stop in the middle.
Kim, remember when you were a new CT tech - how when you started the power injector and were thinking "Please don't let the IV blow/please don't let this patient have a reaction/puke/etc?" But now you know how to deal with all the things that could go wrong when they DO go wrong, so you just roll with it.
Soaping is the same. The more you do it the less you worry about what could happen because you know how to deal with it :)
MWHP is a marathon where I reheat and stir for approximately a century, adding different things at different points before it goes into the mold. Either way, I don't want to stop in the middle.
Thought I'd seen all the acronyms, but I haven't heard of MWHP before. I'm guessing MicroWave HP? (aka countertop HP, aka High Temp HP)
For me I get a lot of anxiety before I add the fragrance. I’m fine with the lye part. The last thing I do is add fragrance because I’m terrified of it. I make sure my colors are how I want and I sweat bullets as I add the scent 😬.
I was making a creamsicle soap for my daughters tonight and I had to take a break to skim the fragrance reviews incase I overlooked something. I have to cut back on coffee on days that I soap lol.
Thought I'd seen all the acronyms, but I haven't heard of MWHP before. I'm guessing MicroWave HP? (aka countertop HP, aka High Temp HP)
I just use a microwave to try to keep batter with half my oils between 110-150°f and stir until it's translucent with the consistency of pudding, then add the other half to emulsion. I assume what I'm doing is MWHP, but I haven't found many sources on the subject. I don't think it counts as high heat hot process, but that's not a topic I've looked into.
Kim, remember when you were a new CT tech - how when you started the power injector and were thinking "Please don't let the IV blow/please don't let this patient have a reaction/puke/etc?" But now you know how to deal with all the things that could go wrong when they DO go wrong, so you just roll with it.
Soaping is the same. The more you do it the less you worry about what could happen because you know how to deal with it :)
Now im more like...ok dude, you are a jerk. 6cc/sec hope you puke lol.
OH my gosh, I can relate. I have gotten so stupid anxious in the beginning my hands would shake. Now, I want to go into a lovely creative space I have since found, but some times I set the stage so much that I cannot duplicate design I've made easily in the past. I don't get nervous about lye any more, but the anxiety of duplication can paralyze me some days. And then, that moment when FO is added and the soap begins to thicken, ruining the intended design can also be a source of anxiety for me. Soap makers are the best at getting over fear of seriously potential caustic materials to create magnificent creations.
Does anybody else get serious anxiety before starting to mix your lye into oils? Its like when you get to that point, theres no turning back and you need to keep going.

Guess im ocd. I keep checking the recipe, making sure i didnt forget anything. Got all my containers and colors in order.

its like the point of no return lol. Thats where i am right now

Don't take this the wrong way, but I think this is a generational issue. I havent since the first time, and that was not overwhelming. Even after a couple of stick blender accidents spilling raw batter on my arm, equipment, tables and floor. I have learned NEVER to stand the stick blender in a jug of water, always lie it down.

We boomers are used to failure, and learning from it. I think the younger generations have been more used to being type A, supported by family to the fact all they do is successful, and have fewer opportunities to learn from failure. What helps is always to have a backup Plan B in your mind in case things go wrong. It helps.
I had the "did I forget something" anxiety a few times, but once I got my good habits in place, I was fine.

I don't think it is so much a generational thing as a life experience thing. I have learned from each time something didn't succeed, so I know I will get better each time it doesn't work out as planned. I have also adopted the "I meant to do that!" line as my go-to for oddities. And, finally, if the soap doesn't work out, I can always make confetti.
uhm I love making soap but the entire damn process is one long bout of anxiety. LOL.
It's just like, different levels of it. You're not alone there @Catscankim

Its all fun for me until i pour the lye lol.

Part of my soaping journey is learning to enjoy the experience. And in fact, today I had quite a pleasant session (even if I did screw up my coloring) due to previous lessons.

I also disagree with the generational thing. I'm gen X but I never had the experience you describe. On the contrary, much of my life and experience I've been thrown to the wolves, so to speak and had to learn and survive things on my own. So my anxiety probably stems from the fact that, for much of my life, if I DIDN'T succeed quickly or on the first try, there were some serious repercussions.

Most of my anxiety around soaping revolves around: 1. using lye and 2. creating what I see in my mind and meeting my (probably unreasonable) high expectations. Time and experience will help.

Man I wish we were in a situation where we could have a soap newbie meet up. Like regional meet ups. That would be fun.