Another Ricing Question

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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2010
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I've been lucky in that this is only the second batch to rice on me in over 3 years, so I don't have much experience with this! The first one I was able to SB into submission, and it turned out fine. But this one had some major acceleration as well, so after a few extra minutes of stick-blending I just glopped it into the mold while it looked almost exactly like thick 'cream of wheat' (farina).
When I checked on it after a couple of hours, it had some oil pooled on the top - first picture. About half of the oil had re-absorbed by the time I cut it this evening (about 20 hours later). With the exception of the oil, it felt pretty normal; a nice firm log of soap. The second picture if of the freshly cut bars, and you can see the amount of oil on them, and they feel slightly grainy.
So my question is: should I let it cure and hope the oil continues to re-absorb - or rebatch?
And BTW, I used WSP's Leather FO, so I pretty much knew it was going to misbehave since every reviewer who CP'ed this FO had ricing/acc/seizing! But it smells SOOO good, I had to try!! And besides, it's a good learning experience :)


This happened to me with a batch of lilac. I've just found DOS on it after 5 months, I'm thinking it's from the excess oil. It would be interesting to know if that happens to you.
Yep, I zap-tested zap!!
I'll keep you posted la-rene...BTW, is La-La Land Louisiana? We spend a lot of time there and love it!
I've had some success keeping ricing-prone FO's at bay by soaping really cool (cold) and by slurrying up the FO with just a little bit of kaolin clay and then adding that slurry to the oils before I mix in the lye water. I'll then mix in the lye water in small portions, maybe just a third or half of it at first. That gives you time to SB the heck out of the batter and (hopefully) get rid of the ricing, while keeping trace at bay. Then first will I add the remainder of the lye water. Sometimes it will work and sometimes some FO's are just so obnoxious that they will still want to rice or make big, gloopy, unblendable blobs instead, as well as accelerate and with those, if the above doesn't work, I'll use the FO to either fragrance potpourri or I use it to fragrance "No shred laundry soap" after the fact (= after it's finished saponifying). I just can't be bothered with the hassle of ricing and I'm not a big fan of the look of HP, so that's how I get rid of anarchist FO's. With me, an FO only gets two strikes in a CP soap before it's out! Life is just too short. LOL
Tienne said:
I'll then mix in the lye water in small portions, maybe just a third or half of it at first. That gives you time to SB the heck out of the batter and (hopefully) get rid of the ricing, while keeping trace at bay.

I do this with a few of my more frisky FOs, too, and I've found it to really help to keep things from moving too fast. Unfortunately, it doesn't work with every frisky FO of mine, though. For the extra-ornery ones that I absolutely love the smell of, but that just won't behave no matter what, I first experiment to see if I can get away with using less of them in my CP (works like a charm if the FO is one that is strong enough to hold up in my soap at a lesser usage rate); and if all else fails, as a last resort, I'll HP them. But I have to really, really love the scent enough for it to be worth it for me to HP, because I don't really like HP-ing all that much. lol

IrishLass :)

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