Am I a total idiot?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2013
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I'm reading Failor's book on transparent soap and can't figure out her calculations. She wants a 40% solvent formulation for her 97 ounces of actual soap. She says to multiply 97 oz. by 0.8 for 77 oz. of solvent. Can someone tell me where she got the 0.8 multiplier? Wouldn't you just divide 97 by 60% to get the total (162) and then subtract out the 97 to get the 40% solvent amount (65)? If anyone has the book it's page 76.

Am I just totally over-thinking this? I know it's not an exact science, but I like the math to work.
I think there are better recipes for transparent soap. Here is a link to one of them.


You can also buy Kayla Fioravanti's book How to Make Melt & Pour Soap Base From Scratch.
That would give you a 20% solution if you did it her way. You should multiply the 97 by .6 to get a 40% and that will give you the amount you need.

Edited to add: And no you are definitely not a total idiot. I would have never caught that if it were me reading the book.
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I'm reading Failor's book on transparent soap and can't figure out her calculations. She wants a 40% solvent formulation for her 97 ounces of actual soap. She says to multiply 97 oz. by 0.8 for 77 oz. of solvent. Can someone tell me where she got the 0.8 multiplier? Wouldn't you just divide 97 by 60% to get the total (162) and then subtract out the 97 to get the 40% solvent amount (65)? If anyone has the book it's page 76.

Am I just totally over-thinking this? I know it's not an exact science, but I like the math to work.
You can NEVER be an idot! I used to be an avid reader up until 2009 then I fell in love with sewing & quilting, since then I haven't picked up a book. But anyway I have seen lots of misspelled words that even the editors missed. So It may or may not be her mistake... I'm just saying....
You can NEVER be an idot! I used to be an avid reader up until 2009 then I fell in love with sewing & quilting, since then I haven't picked up a book. But anyway I have seen lots of misspelled words that even the editors missed. So It may or may not be her mistake... I'm just saying....

Ha! You should read The Vicar of Wakefield! That one had more errors and misspellings than any book I've ever read. : )