alright... shave soap in the mold :)

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Freemason, Maker, Father, Mover & Shaker
Supporting Member
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
DeLand, FL
Made a 4-bar test batch... ... eagerly awaiting its results!!! :)

I did flub and added the sugar to the oils directly.... call it laziness, noticed it didnt dissolve all the way, so yeaaaah not to self not to do that again...

Will post pics when its set :)

Its already pretty firm :) must be all that stearic acid (was able to bump it up a notch with a little mowrah butter... so I only wound up adding supplement stearic at 1% of the total recipe weight)

sweeeet :)

looking very creamy and I cant wait to see the lather in a month or so...

Please excuse the GIGANTOR pics...didnt have time to resize :*

Going to let it gel completely (I think it went through gel phase faster than other soaps I have made) It seemed to trace nearly immediately, then stay at a pudding-like consistency for a bit, I had to re-heat it a bit to incorporate more of the sugar (again from my stupid laziness tonight... lol)

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