I actually made two separate batches and blended them, one coffee, one almond so I would have the contrasting color. For the coffee I used an espresso grind and brewed a very strong batch, approximately 2-3 times the strength I would brew for drinking. I then measured out the amount I would need for my liquid in one batch and poured it into an ice cube tray and made coffee cubes. I then weighed the cubes upon removal from the tray and had to add another 15 grams of water to get my proper weight for the liquid. I then did everything as you normally would and added in an 1/8 cup of the coffee grind at light trace, note the espresso grind is much finer than regular coffee grind. For the almond I simply did a regular batch of soap and added almond oil at trace. I then did the mix of the two before pouring in my mold. I am anxious to see how it cures out.