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Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2011
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I've made 2 HP batches so far (one was a double...won't do that again!) and I think I really like it. I find that there are fewer "surprises" than with CP. I also have not had any sweating, separation, or partial gel problems that I can sometimes have with CP. I was trying to do more research about it but it seems like there is not much out there.

If you've tried it, can you tell me why you did or didn't like it? I definitely want to do more of this so if you have any tips, please share. Thanks!

My one tip: Don't try to make a double batch in the same pot! It gets hot very fast and then you have bubbling, spitting, "get your butt out of the way" lye juice going everywhere!
I'm a CP type of person--it's by far my favorite process to do. That being said, I also do HP, but only when I have a fragrance oil that is too tricky in CP. I love the smell of Peaks Peach Mango but it's a bugger in CP and causes all sorts of problems for me. That fragrance is always HP for me. The only thing I don't like about HP--I just can't make it as pretty as my CP, although I have seen some really nice HP that others make--I'm apparently not that gifted. I can see where doing a double batch HP would have a life of it's own! :shock:
I generally prefer CP since HP looks more rustic, but I really like it for my kitchen soap recipe. I scent that with eucalyptus and rosemary EO, and you can use less EO in an HP batch. Which is nice, since they can be expensive. I would do HP with any EO scent I want to use. In my kitchen soap I also add grated lemon peel, and the rustic look of the soap works well. I do cut off the tops so they are smooth though. I'm not a fan of the lava-field look on the top of the soap. :lol: I also like the fact that you can use the soap right away.

When I made "balls of dirt" soap for some of my students, I did a small HP batch for that. The chunkiness of the soap helped it to look a bit like a real ball of dirt. I waited until the soap was cool enough to handle, and shaped it into balls.
I have shifted from mostly CP to mostlyHP I bet double batch got tricky. Its not as pretty but I find with scents i get better results HP Also colors I get less morphig HP due to lye monster not chomping on it.I do find though when coloring and scenting not much work time but thats ok.
I make HP when someone wants a certain scent right away. Sometimes I will HP when friends and family want to "watch" me make soap, that way they see the process and go home with a bar.
HP or CP, I require a 4 week cure period.
I will HP if the FO is very tricky, but it won't save much in the way of time and it does consume extra energy and I don't like the texture that mine end up with.
The gremlins visited my HP yesterday...

I was making a not quite double, but large batch that I was going to divide into "Sex on the Beach" and "Love Spell" (smells just like VS Love Spell perfume!). Well, the "hot" part of HP got I was pouring soap into the mold, the pot hit the mold, mold tipped over, and half my soap went onto the floor. Tried to finish dumping remaining soap into the mold when I touched the bottom of the pot and burned my hand.

What fell onto the floor was trash, obviously, though I was able to salvage what was left and made a few really yummy smelling bars. So yummy that one of my dogs owes me a bar of soap, as he decided to steal it and try to eat it!

It was definitely one of those days where if it could have gone wrong, it did!

But at least I have some sexy smelling soap to wash it all away with!