Ahhh 6 year anniverasry ideas.... heeeeelp

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Freemason, Maker, Father, Mover & Shaker
Supporting Member
Jan 10, 2008
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DeLand, FL
Allllrighty :) soooo tomorrow is my 6 year anniversary with my lady...

Ive done so many things for our previous anniversaries, and her birthday was recently so long story short... I am now at a shortage of ideas of what to do ! Help me think of some fun and interesting ideas thatll show her I care........ ps we live in Orlando.

so far:

(impulsive) idea 1) Spend some cash(or in this case credit lol... I was thinking of handling some of my OTHER CC bills first before pursuing this butttttt... I get these impulsive thoughts sometimes... sooo... yeah) on an engagement ring, go out somewhere nice to dinner and pop question... (wAAAAooOoOOOoOoooah)

idea 2) go out somewhere else for dinner

...there are no fairs in town or anything like that, otherwise I would probably take her there as its what she said she wanted to do...

...already did a dinner theater...the theme parks = blaaaaaah

why is there so much to do in Orlando but none of it seems to be what im looking for!!! grrrrrrrr.

Any other ideas???
I am really not one for romance but... last time in was in FL in winter it was warm enough for dinner outside so if the weather is nice a pick nick on the beach and pop the question at sunset.
Why don't you take her to one of the resorts for lunch of dinner? Once you are there, take a slow walk around the lakes or flowers or lego-dinosaurs or etc... You can spend the whole day at the upscale hotel and not pay for anything but your food..

I'm not old enough to give motherly advice - but please don't charge an engagement ring.... your future fiance would likely cringe at the thought lol...
If she REALLY wants an expensive ring I guess I would put it off ... but if she's okay with an inexpensive ring "for now" you could propose and make it a goal for both of you to save for nicer rings (for both!) in the future.
Healinya said:
Why don't you take her to one of the resorts for lunch of dinner? Once you are there, take a slow walk around the lakes or flowers or lego-dinosaurs or etc... You can spend the whole day at the upscale hotel and not pay for anything but your food..

I'm not old enough to give motherly advice - but please don't charge an engagement ring.... your future fiance would likely cringe at the thought lol...

yeah thats what i was thinking...

I want to be able to save for it, do it right... yanno :)!!

She isnt too picky, doesnt need something huge but I want it to be nice :)

...But like i said, that was more of an impulsive idea... Im more concerned with finding something to do with her tomorrow night !!! I think we are going to try and go to a Christmas show, but Im not sure about it... arrrgh why is there not much going on during a friday in orlando!?!?! crazy!
Ahhheeemmmm....a lovely dinner and the beach at sunset with a romantic proposal and the promise of riches bestowed in the future....I'd take that! Good luck with whatever you decide, Ian.
cwarren said:
Im not rolling in it yet... Law of attraction coooooome onnnnn

sunday is new moon - write the abundance check

Whatcha mean right myself a check for a billion dollars!??!?! lol thatd be siiiick :)

... yeah so I guess we are going to go out to dinner and then look for an xmas tree :) ...

not poppin the ? til I clear some of my debt out of the way... plus the rings where i looked were overpriced and/or sucked
Ya know what I personally think would be really cool... take her to the jewelry store (when you are ready) and propose there... then let her try it all on lol... let the store know you are doing that and what your price range is so they don't push a ten thousand dollar ring on her tho lol...

Oh, and abundance sounds good too. My favorite:

"I am abundant in every good way. Infinite money is mine to earn, save, invest, expoentially multiply and share. My abudance is making everyone better off. I embrace abundance and abundance embraces me."
if she likes sea world I would talk with them to see if it would be possible to have one of the killer wales come up with the ring case in its mouth to present to her..... (but to be on the save side use a dummy ring and then let her know that a real one is coming) I wouldn't put the real ring in just in case the whale ate it. :lol:
I've never understood the whole, "spend three months salary", on a ring thing myself.

My husband and I were dirt poor when we decided to get married. We'd been together 2 years at the time, he was going into the military and we didn't have two pennies to spare.

My ring is 10 kt white gold, with a lab grown sapphire. It cost him all of $40 at the local jewelmasters. He picked a stone and setting and they put the two together for him. The $40 dollars was his weekly grocery money, he went hungry for a week just to get me a ring. To this day that ring is more special to me than any of the other more expensive jewelry he's bought since we've been married. It represents sacrifice, and in my mind that is more impressive than any sum of money spent.

But I won't get all preachy, I promise.

You want to impress your lady then pamper her. Show her that you care, it doesn't have to cost a lot of money. Breakfast in bed, give her a massage, set out a nice bath for her (rose petals in the water etc). Actions are most important, because at the end of the day we remember what someone did or said more than we remember what they spent.

Romance doesn't have to be expensive, it just has to be genuine. Happy Anniversary!

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